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Comment Re:Title misleading (Score 1) 921

That justifies baseless claims about the benefits of substances that have yet to be discovered? Or claims that organic farming somehow performs better at providing these hypothesized nutrients?

No. No, it doesn't. Those claims are still just as unfounded and hypothetical as they ever were.

I rarely rise to the bait presented by knee-jerk naysayers and pessimists. *sigh* Sometimes my self-restraint is overcome.

I read TFA, and didn't see a definitive list of "nutrients" they were studying. There were a few, but if the ones mentioned were the only ones studied, then yes they missed a *lot* of compounds commonly regarded as being of nutritive value.

The history of the quantitative and chemical analysis of food has been one of misunderstanding and misapplication of principles. Start by looking at Kellogg and his odd ideas of a healthful diet.

Comment Re:The Ugly Side of Truth (Score 1) 838

I didn't know you could win an argument by appending a "Period." after your thesis.

Actually the correct steps are: * Present your thesis. * Exclaim PERIOD! * Clamp your hands to your ears and run away shouting "lalalalalalala cant hear you!", before any counter-argument can be made. And there you go, argument won.

Rush Limbaugh?? Is that you?

Comment Re:brilliant or dangerous? (Score 1) 1134

Here's one reason why... I was Bipolar II which meant I was mostly manic. As a result I was easily angered, very enthusiastic, easily empassioned and highly creative. My brain went a MILLION miles per hour in that state and I had brilliance that I couldn't contain at times. I already have an IQ of 160 and during that state it was up 5-10 additional points (when I could stay focused).

Tack onto that the boundless energy the condition gave me and the fact that I never slept in that state and you have exactly what you described. I felt untouchable and alive like no one could imagine. So why did I go on meds? Well, that's the trick. How do you get bipolars or other people who have a self destructive disorder that makes them feel superior or more intelligent go on a med that dumbs them down or slows them down?

I hit that point where I realized my condition was isolating me and shutting me off from everyone else around me. When I examined my life, I realized I had no one to blame but myself; I burnt people out like matches but couldn't see that I was the one common factor in all the damaged relationships. More exactly, my condition.

I eventually got better and now write my own documentation, get along with others, don't have mood swings at work, etc etc. It took me years and lots of hard work and effort to get over old emotional habits... the meds don't do it alone.

But I guess what I am trying to say is that sometimes brilliance comes with madness. Sometimes it's just madness, sometimes it's both. Getting them to help themselves though can be almost impossible though.

Amen. The primary differences for me was that I didn't use meds*, and it took being homeless for a year to force a change. I blame it on Asperger's. :-) (see earlier in this thread...)
On the other hand, intentionally reconstructing my personality made me much better at self-analysis and learning the rules regarding social cues.
I'm less "brilliant", but people talk to me now. :-)

* No, I'm not one-upping anyone. The full story is tedious and irrelevant to this response.

Comment Re:You cant teach tact. (Score 3, Insightful) 639

Just one viewpoint, take it or leave it.

Aspergers is to the body language and subtle social cues that define 2/3 of human communication as blindness is to vision or deafness is to sound. Only on the outside, no one knows you have an impaired perception. You don't get cut the slack that the person signing or the guy carrying the cane would.

You constantly monitor yourself every second to make sure you don't do anything wrong. You're labelled as weird, or rebellious, rude, or unpleasant to be around because you can't perceive the messages people are trying to send you. You have few friends because whatever secret magical language that's being spoken to generate new connections with people you totally miss. Many attempts you make to reach out to people end in disaster, and you can't for the life of you understand what the hell it is that you're doing wrong.

Those lonely nights spend in front of a computer are ones you'd probably rather spend hooking up with a girl you met at a bar instead of learning the intricacies of Yacc or device drivers. And it drives you absolutely fucking insane that everyone else is in on the fuck-fest that is life except you.

Amen to most of the above. I don't know how it affects/is applied by others in this situation, but for me it exhibits as an overriding concern for rules and rulesets. It's taken me about twenty five years to accumulate enough rules to get by in most interactions. There are times however when don't have good rules, and I stumble.

This fixation on rules has engendered a wealth of misunderstandings, ostracization and ridicule, mostly because the others don't realize that my socially awkward actions are based on something more fundamental than simple rudeness.

One effect I have noticed with my personal changes is that I am often underestimated by others, probably because my fitting in makes me appear harmless and somewhat uninteresting. So be it. Small price to pay to be involved.
The ever-larger rulesets can be a trial as well, until I realized that I can dispense with them at need.

The biggest frustration is to have the right answer/response, and being utterly unable to communicate it properly; a big (possibly the biggest) advantage is that after all this practice it is relatively easy to learn the appropriate accents, colloquialisms, speech timing and patterns, and topics of discussion ("skins", if you will) that enable me to fit in almost anywhere (within my prior experience).

Any super-abilities you might gain from this condition are cold comfort, as they're used more as survival skills to get around the enormous deficits you experience in being able to read people. The money that you earn from your impressive abilities has to be the substitute for having lots of friends who could help you do stuff (e.g. you pay someone to install an super-heavy air conditioner in a second story windows because you don't have many friends you can call on to help you). It's not really a preference for certain kind of social lifestyle, it's a crappy hand of cards you're dealt that you have to make the best of.

Or you can choose to regard it as a challenge to your abilities and will, and solve it. It's up to you.

However, if I had one piece of advice, it's this: don't let it fester. Learn to communicate in whatever way makes you least uncomfortable, because it is nearly meaningless to have the ability to contribute if you can't figure out a way to make a contribution.

None of this was meant to criticize any of what I quoted. I saw an opportunity to use it as a springboard for what I've wanted for some time to write.

Comment Re:He's still kicking! (Score 2, Interesting) 356

Why do people think that small airplane pilots need parachutes?

Because they lack information. I fly a Cessna 172 and even if the engine goes out its ~9:1 glide ratio means I have a decent amount of time to find a place to put down. I live near a number of blue shield interstate highways so in a worst case scenario I can put down on one of those or in the median between them. I haven't flown in (or around) mountains yet but I can't envision many situations in which it would be preferable to get out of my plane. That said, if I had to get out it wouldn't be hard. If you can get the door open, once you take your seatbelt off you could just lean out and fall headfirst. For people with Archers and the other low wings getting out would not be much fun at all.

The one situation that might apply here is what I call the "death canyon". Get into a gradually climbing canyon at a good altitude, and you find yourself unable to climb out (many small aircraft don't climb well at 10,000+ feet) and you can't turn around because the canyon is too narrow. In this particular case you would have plenty of time to
1) realize that you're in trouble
2) get out of the plane, if you're wearing a parachute.

I'm not saying that is what happened in this case, merely that it would match. Having said that, I can't imagine wearing a parachute in a small plane; it would be awfully uncomfortable.

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