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Comment Re:Wouldn't leasing it be a better deal? (Score 1) 215

I know this reply is really late but just in case...

7% is normally the rate I hear too when hearing these kinds of factoids.

I do agree that compound interest is a powerful force but there's something to that 7% (or above) number.

If you do the calculation with something less than 7%, say a guaranteed 4-5%, then you'll get fairly different results that make saving look a little less attractive especially when you consider that $100 a month in context of being a young adult with limited income.

Personally, I plan to save that money for my kids to relieve them of the responsibility (as you mentioned). I'll stipulate that they do the same for their kids.


All Your Favorite Dinosaurs Are Wrong 1

It's not often that you find a paleontologist who moonlights as a stand-up comedian.

Comment It's fun (Score 2, Informative) 232

I had video calling on my last phone, here in Korea most phones support the capability.

Basically, it's not very useful for any actual communication but it can be fun. It's definitely a novelty the first couple of times you use it and occasionally fun after that (usually when drinking). I would say that most people use the front facing camera to take self photos, it's certainly a lot more convenient then trying to position a camera with only a rear facing camera.

Comment Re:Dear HP (Score 2, Interesting) 170

The arguments regarding RAM are legitimate but it wouldn't take tons of cash to port the OS. It would likely just take a few Palm engineers with intimate knowledge of the TX hardware and webOS (the same people perhaps? who knows).

To me it seems like the driving force behind whether any of these mobile platforms succeed is whether there are applications and developers. HP is in a unique position because there are already a ton of Palms in the environment and they could leverage that to their advantage. If suddenly everyone's Palm was able to run webOS, developers might consider developing some applications for it. Having an extensive software library would obviously help with long term sales of future HP products.

The argument is really moot without some real figures but HP should have that information, I just wanted to bring it to their attention in case it hasn't been considered (although the fact Palm didn't do it is probably telling). Who knows, maybe HP is willing to take a little risk and put a couple of engineers on it to see if anything comes of it.

Comment Dear HP (Score 5, Interesting) 170

Dear HP,

Please release a WebOS rom/image/update/etc for all the Palm TX's and other Palm devices that are already out there but probably not being used on account of stagnant OS software and applications.

I believe many of these devices are capable of running WebOS and you could create a community almost overnight. I'm sure I'm not the only geek looking at my TX wishing I could use it in some meaningful capacity again.

Comment How to make Web OS popular (Score 1) 98

In fact, now that I think about it, if they made a WebOS upgrade for all existing Palm OS devices (that could run it) the adoption would be huge.

Not only would it signal to customers that yes, Palm will support its hardware into the future, but it would also give developers a huge base to sell applications too.

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