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Comment alternate approach (Score 1) 242

Become semi nomadic, simply abandon the mess of kit when it gets too unwieldy and start another one. With careful planning you may be able to make a single small room last for four or five systems, which is more than enough IMHO. When you run out of rooms simple move.

Comment Re:And the point is? (Score 1) 260

"If I was Apple I would have set the price at $250 and lived with little or no profit and counted on iTunes sales"

so you think Apple should lower it's price..

"I have no idea the final cost once you add in distribution and advertising and all the other expenses"

so you don't know what Apple's profit margin is

" It's a health profit but that's what a company in their position should make, a healthy profit."

but you know it's healthy, and you feel they.. deserve it somehow?

"Everyone else is playing catch up"

no. most reviews agree that Apple has been "playing catch up" for it's last few devices. Apple was behind Android in providing LTE and even the seven inch form factor.

"One of the reasons Microsoft got into so much trouble is they became dependent on a couple of products then started turning out crappy products and said so what?"

WTF are you talking about? The most popular desktop operating system in the world? Or did you mean the most popular office suite in the world? Or was it the most popular server os? Maybe you mean the xbox, one of the most popular game consoles? Do you really, honestly believe that these products dominate their respective markets (and have for years) because no one can escape some sort of magical trap Microsoft has designed? And exactly what trouble do you think the company that makes all of these products is in?

"Well over the last five or so years a lot of people switched to Apple."

citation needed. unless by "a lot" you mean less than 2% of the computing market, then sure. big deal.

"I'd love to see them more open but it would come at a sacrifice of stability "

what the fuck is this FUD?

"so I'm happy the way things are"

so.... actually you *don't* want them to lower prices. ?

"In the end if you want a device with zero profit margin then buy Android."

Funny... all these articles about how Samsung, Motorola and Asus are making record profits with Android devices, but this is your take on the Android scene?

"...Apple device and deal with them making a profit."

Nobody (well.. nobody that is sane) has a problem with companies that make a profit. However, Apple is one of the most profitable companies in the world. To make this very simple for you: They take your money, cover all their expenses, and then put more of your money in their own pocket than every other company that makes similar products. If they put the same amount of your money in their pocket as their competitors do, their prices would be lower. Not sure if you want that or not, you seem to be a bit wishywashy on that point.

Comment Re:At last an offer. (Score 1) 582

When a company has not been wronged but falsely claims that they have been wronged, it is not the SAME DAMNED THING as when a company files a legitimate claim because they have actually been wronged.

Just read that over and over until you stop being stupid. I think it will work. There's hope for you yet.

Comment Re:Lets hope common sense wins (Score 1) 582

would you think it is Fair, Reasonable to pay 10 times the price someone else does simply because your car costs more ?

It's pretty simple really.

Company A invents "great new tech".

Company B earns 1 dollar using Company A's tech.

Company C earns 10 dollars using Company A's tech.

If you think Company C should pay A more than B (because Company C made more money using A's invention), then what Motorola is asking is perfectly reasonable.

Comment Re:At last an offer. (Score 4, Informative) 582


You don't see the difference between Apple's abuse of the patent system by attempting to prove someone copied trivial things that already existed like rounded corners, and Google's FRAND patents that *every* manufacturer *including* Apple agrees are valid? Patents that actually cover meaningful technologies that "have to do with how every smartphone in existence connects to WiFi and cellular networks"?

Are you kidding me?

As for the doing or not doing evil, whatever, maybe. But to equate Apple and Google's patent activity is just absurdly wrong.

Comment Bad move (Score 1) 241

A far greater number of people will hear about this story on the news than would ever have seen even a properly compliant notice on Apple's home page. The average joe will hear a soundbite and remember only "The court ruled Samsung did not copy Apple, and Apple had to apologize", which is actually much less positive for Apple than the truth, which probably wouldn't even have been known by the average joe anyway.

Comment Re:Largest personal computer manufacture? (Score 1) 232

Look, basic reading comprehension would tell you that when someone says "it is a common opinion that" they mean "something I think is bullshit".

Actually, the phrase "common opinion" has a specific meaning dating back to the Latin "communis opinio".

From :

communis opinio / common opinion / prevailing doctrine, generally accepted view (in an academic field), scientific consensus; originally communis opinio doctorum, "common opinion of the doctors"

It so well understood by the majority of us that it's even used in many definitions of the word common, such as this one from

common (kmn)

— adj
1. belonging to or shared by two or more people: common property
2. belonging to or shared by members of one or more nations or communities; public: a common culture
3. of ordinary standard; average: common decency
4. prevailing; widespread: common opinion

I think your opinion that the phrase means "something I think is bullshit" is in fact quite uncommon.

Now, I didn't quite mean that, but my article is pretty clearly presenting against the idea that Apple will in future dominate the world. This means that I am not the right person to really argue with you, since I don't believe the things that you seem to want to accuse me of not managing to demonstrate.

Yes, my bad for thinking the words you wrote described what you intended to say.

However, I believe that you should try to understand and present well the other side's arguments. Let's just take two quotes from the articles which you say "doesn't support your [sic] claims at all."

I know I'm in uncharted water here, so I won't just assume you use things like "sic" the way the rest of us do. I am interested to know exactly why you added it when you quoted me... I'll be the first to admit I do make typos and grammatical errors, but I like to think I've never been such a douche bag as to call attention to what I thought was such an error in someone else's writing when no error actually existed.

blah blah blah

This viewpoint is not completely stupid.

blah blah blah

I couldn't comment on that, as apparently we speak quite different languages which use the same words by mere coincidence. I've no idea what your point is. Cheers.

Comment Re:Largest personal computer manufacture? (Score 1) 232

um... have you been inside an actual warehouse? I consult for several distribution businesses including a very large metal supply company. A tablet wouldn't last a week out on the floor. On the other hand they aren't missed much since damn near every warehouse has stations every 50 feet or so containing industrial PCs or even old serial terminals (waay more common than you'd probably think) running inventory control. The forklift operators/floor managers have been carrying wireless barcode scanners, again industrial quality, for maybe 15 years.. there was a period of time prior to that where they used models that required plugging in and downloading every shift but that's long gone. These things are built for the warehouse environment, tough as shit, drop em while scanning a pallet 50 feet in the air onto the concrete floor and they will probably just get a scuff. They cost $200-$300 and often last 5 years or more out on the floor.

I'm not saying you can't find somebody somewhere that can do something with a tablet that these existing systems cannot do... but good luck selling such a solution to warehouse types. They tend to err on the side of "cheap as fuck".

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