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Comment Re:Whatever they feel like (Score 1) 360

Tabs vs spaces is a code style issue, and code style issues ought to be agreed upon, at least on a per-project basis if not company wide. I was thinking more along the lines of "I want to use Eclipse, you want to use NetBeans, and this other guy wants to use IntelliJ" - as long as people can conform to company standards, the choice of tools used is a personal one.

Submission + - Canonical to Stop Developing Unity 8, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Switches to GNOME

prisoninmate writes: The following may sound like a late April Fools' prank, but it looks like Canonical and Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth just announced a few minutes ago that the company would stop developing the Unity 8 interface, and terminate its convergence plans. If memory recalls, last year during an Ubuntu Online Summit event, Mark Shuttleworth said that a small team of Ubuntu developers would develop and test the upcoming Unity 8 desktop environment for desktop, and if they find it as reliable as Unity 7 is these days, then, and only then, it will become the default for future Ubuntu Linux releases. During these last months, Unity 8 wasn't received very well by the Ubuntu community, and its media coverage was almost non-existent. Personally, I could not even try the Unity 8 session that's available as a preview on the Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) release on any of my computers. However, Unity 8 showed to be quite innovative on the Ubuntu Phone/Tablet devices. But things don't always go as they're planned, and it now looks like Canonical will stop investing in Unity 8, as well as the Ubuntu Phone and Ubuntu Convergence. "I’m writing to let you know that we will end our investment in Unity8, the phone and convergence shell. We will shift our default Ubuntu desktop back to GNOME for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS," said Mark Shuttleworth.

Comment Re:Whatever they feel like (Score 1) 360

Then let them quit. OP has over a thousand devels and giving everyone admin access and the ability to select their own tools will turn into a nightmare. There will be a thousand different environments. One person quits, gets sick or goes on vacation and his cow-orkers will have to reverse engineer all of his shit to keep production running. Nobody in a shop that size is that good.

If you want free reign to select your own tools, work for yourself in your basement.

That whole statement is just silly. If you have to rely on a particular developer's "environment" to be correct, you're setting yourself up for failure. The scenario you're describing sounds like amateur hour.

In a well-run development shop, anyone should be able to check out the code from version control and be up and running relatively quickly, because everything is in version control and is well-documented.

Comment Re:Whatever they feel like (Score 1) 360

> SO MANY problems I have seen when devs have admin rights on their boxes! If you want more reliable software, I think the first step is to make the devs run under the same OS permissions as the users.

Wrong. As long as we have the ability to test in the same environment, that is what's important. Your own machine makes a really poor test environment.

If you want more reliable software, improve your developers' skills, add QA resources, write more unit tests, do test-driven development. Don't make things more difficult for your developers.

Comment Re:Whatever they feel like (Score 1) 360

> but that's no big deal

Actually, that very much _is_ a big deal. Using the tools you are familiar with and make you work the fastest is a huge performance enhancer.

For example: My coworkers use the Eclipse IDE. I use IntelliJ IDEA because I'm way more accustomed to it and it's faster for me. It interoperates completely with Eclipse (formats the code the same way, etc), so it's totally invisible to them that I'm using it.

Submission + - Google is working on end-to-end encryption for Gmail (

awyeah writes: PGP, or Pretty Good Privacy, is an encryption utility that historically has been difficult to break. But Google has “research underway to improve the usability of PGP with Gmail,” according to a person at the company familiar with the matter.

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