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Comment Re:And the winner is RIM (Score 1) 124

and wanted the flashy new iPhone or GIII

it shows that it's about the glitz and the bling. the blackberry 9900 is a fantastic business device. don't worry, i'm not a shill, and i don't have one. my main phone right now is an iPhone 4, and my secondary phone to play with is an older Android running gingerbread 2.3

the new BB10 OS will be quite a game changer in my opinion, as will be RIM's two devices - a touchscreen device and a keyboard device. i can't wait for their release. they have a lot of things to overcome, but what they will offer (dual zones personal and business on the same device) is unmatched (for now).

the only bias that i have? i'm canadian, i would like to see RIM succeed (no they don't need to be #1 or even #2 in device sales), and i had the original Bold for 3 years. disregarding that, i seriously think, from the reading i've done so far, that the next devices are very promising

Comment even more reason to migrate to Linux (Score 1) 635

I have dual boot Ubuntu and XP. Ubuntu is taking the spot as my main OS more and more lately, and XP is there just for legacy apps.

My wife likes Linux, though has XP on her dying laptop.

We were considering going OS X and MacBook, but Apple's stringent control is to the liking of neither of us (and she's the opposite of a techie). And the rumour of moving to ARM?

Thus, when her laptop dies, she'll get a new one with either Ubuntu or Mint, and our move to the next, new, modern operating system will bypass the Windows "ecosystem" altogether.

P.S. Oh yeah, both our iPhones will be replaced by Android...

Comment Fukushima still spewing radiation out (Score 1, Insightful) 107

Why does it surprise anyone that fish dwelling near the reactor are still radiactive 19 months later? 19 months after what? after the leak began, and has been only slightly reduced? the leak didn't stop, and it's still ongoing.

the mainstream media stopped dwelling on this, all the while people in North America consume products with high radiation.

Comment Crashed != slowed down to a crawl (Score 1) 393

I have about 10 tabs open throughout the day. At the end of the day, the browser starts to slow down to the point that a restart is necessary to refresh it.

Just because it has a memory leak doesn't mean it will crash. But using more than 1 GB of memory is not really needed, especially when after a restart the memory usage goes to between 200-300 MBs. And yes, it still retains my history for each tab, which I can visit just as well by pressing the BACK button.

I don't understand the need to keep all my history cached in memory.

Comment AND STILL BUGGY RSS FEED (Score 1) 393

Which they keep breaking every few releases, and it takes several more releases before it's fixed.

For example, I have Slashdot as an RSS feed. After visiting a link, the feed doesn't get updated, unless I right-click and select "Reload Live Bookmark".

The bug is filed here:

Comment apples and oranges? (Score 1) 162

How is this the same? This bill is forcing retailers to accept your old equipment for recycling. As in, you have an old laptop that works or doesn't work, you want to throw it out. Now you can take it to the retailer and deposit it there.

Environment fee is not the same thing, though both apples and oranges are fruit.

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