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Comment You are not a tax lawyer, are you? (Score 1) 587

When you get audited, and they find mistakes, they give you a chance to pay what you should have paid. If you don't, they then take you to civil court, and get a court order to pay the owed amount, plus interest and penalties.

If you ignore the court order, you go to jail. Or, if they can prove you knowingly lied to them in any of the above proceedings.

Neither happened in Dashcle's case, or in thousands of like them that happen each year. Show me one case where someone is in jail for failure to list income on their taxes. I'll wait...

(And it's quoting Micelle Malkin while claiming to be a Liberal that makes you a loon.)

Comment Disliking Conspiracy != Liking Clinton (Score 1) 587

Many of the policies passed in the Clinton years, with the help of a Republican congress, led us to our current economic meltdown. Obsessing about Whitewater distracts from looking at actual policies and outcomes. One reason I supported Obama was that he wasn't Hillary Clinton--although again, I dislike her policies.

Obama may yet prove a failure and dissapointment. But 3 months in I'm not willing to declare him one on the basis of withdrawn nominations--or even RIAA hires.

I'll take Obamas record over Bush's.


Comment Is cynicism the answer? (Score 1) 587

Unlike my argumentative posts, this is an honest question to those people arguing both sides are exactly the same. Is the answer simply to stop trying to make either side better? Vote not for the lesser of two evils, but just don't vote or vote 3rd party so you maintain the right to complain?

I must admit, I'd rather argue passionately. Then again, I guess I'd also like to argue policy and outcomes--not who people used to work for before they got hired, as if the RIAA's misdeeds were the worst threat the US or world is facing right now.

Comment Daschle didn't pay taxes. (Score 0, Troll) 587

Verify that on claim for me, and I'll use all my karma to uprate you. Show me that Daschle didn't pay any taxes, because that is what the sentence you typed says.

The "Fact" is, Dashcle paid income-tax, sales-tax, property-taxes, and probably a few others. He did make a mistake in not listing a car and driver as income. A mistake that cost him a job.

But it didn't make him resign; he never had the job. It didn't make him a criminal; he re-paid the IRS and it was a civil, not a criminal, matter.

It is also important to draw a distinction between a fact, and a half-correct pseudo-fact spun for political purposes..

Comment Nice spin, loon. (Score 1) 587

You could at least argue honestly. From you posts above.

"I'm a liberal by political beliefs"

" * Gary Locke: potentially-suspicious fund-raising history [michellemalkin.com]"

Liberals would not link to Malkin. Or run Fake-Barak web sites that make solely conservative points. At least be honest about you beliefs.

You also do the right wing blogger trick of using short, misleading arguments like "Daschle didn't pay taxes," Of course he paid taxes, he did fail to accurately list a car and driver as taxable income--a far different item. Which he then paid. Just like withdrawing doesn't equal resigned civil law != criminal law.

Comment Re:You do want to start a flame war. (Score 0, Troll) 587

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_pardoned_by_George_W._Bush Compare and contrast. The conspiracy part is believing there is anything nefarious or different with Clinton. Instead of Google, try reading deeply into politics and maybe you will come up with something worth listening too. The fact you still think Whitewater was anything but a right-wing obsession proves you haven't.

Comment Withdrawing nomination != Forced to Resign (Score 1) 587

What a stupid list, frankly. The fact that many of these people were vetted and had to withdraw their nominations is a sign that he is holding people to a higher standard. These aren't people who have misused their office and been forced to resign. And the Whitewater tip totally tips you off a right wing loon. And as for those who think hiring RIAA lawers == launching disastrous wars; well, I think your priorities are a bit off.

Comment I'm a PC, and I'm scared poopless (Score 1) 837

I agree, these seem defensive--and the big takeaway is that Apple is seen as a real threat. It certainly won't stop people from being tempted to try out Apple. Also, Hodgeman is really funny. So it makes them seem a little humorless. Rather than complaining about the PC stereotype, they should have probably played up the Mac as a useless hipster.

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