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Comment Re:Now's the Time (Score 1) 310

Really? It wasn't until after this last update that you could block specific applications from showing up in your feeds.... well as far as I know because I was never able to find it in any previous version.

Click the hide link on an update from farmville or whatever annoyance you have and you now have the option to block all updates from that specific application. Makes it tons easier to see status updates....

I agree with the gp, its the change that people bitch about.

Comment Re:Blame piracy (Score 1) 497

That quote just shows how completely stupid it was to say 90%.

The last sentence could be rewritten to: "For simplicities sake, we just assumed that 90% of people would pirate it since none of the methods we measured could actually be used to determine anything other than people who use the internet have an IP address."

Comment Re:28 days later (Score 1) 418

Isn't the justice system supposed to make sense as well? Why wouldn't a judge listen to that argument and think to himself, "This is all making very good sense to me."

But as another poster said it's generally not the downloader rather the person making it available that is the one in trouble.

Comment Re:28 days later (Score 1) 418

Ever since I signed up for netflix/blockbuster I've wondered..

Is it really pirating by obtaining it someplace else WHILE I'm paying netflix. For example, most of their movies arent available on demand so I have to queue them. Is it really pirating at that point if I download and watch it from say TPB? The DVD will be on its way. Netflix/Blockbuster is still getting their cut as are the studios so how is it that I am in the wrong?

Why wouldn't this line of reasoning stand up in court if you were to be busted for downloading a movie? Really the way I see it is if its rent-able by netflix and I have an account in good standing I should be entitle to watch anything I could rent no matter the means of transfer.

Comment Ah, finally a place to vent... (Score 1) 181

Cool Story Bro time, about time I get to vent about this... despite this one issue I've had I still like directv's services (including support) more than dish networks or comcast.

SO I setup our directv account when I was living with the parents, I was going to take care of the bill for the houshold and set the account up in my name.

I move and setup a new account. I would have used their moving service but I wanted to retain the service at the original location. I figured I would just have the account signed over to my mother who would then take care of the account.

Except that's not so easy.... They have no way to sign over an account unless its your wife/husband. The only way to convert the account from my name would be to cancel the account and setup a new. Pointless hassle but once its done I'm done.

Except that's no so easy.... They require you to send back the equipment and re-lease it! So, I've got to send all the receivers back, wait for some douche to come take the dish, then sign up for a new account and REPAY the deposits, wait for an installer to re-install all the equipment that ALREADY in place!

It should go without saying the account is still in my name.

I wonder if I'll be able to fix the account NOW...

And damn it, since I'm venting... wtf is up with the insane delay slashdot has for showing your preview or submitting your post.... it honestly takes 30 seconds for the preview to, erm, preview the first time. After that its pretty quick... .

Comment Re:it's not dying (Score 1) 496

Just wanted to respond to a few things...

Well, since no one you know does it, I guess it doesn't happen. I guess that multi-billion dollar business called "Gamestop" must be part of my imagination. And where can you rent PC games?

Don't be that guy.... really you would have to be trying to be so ignorant as to think any considerable amount of business gamestop does is from PC game resells.

What does that mean? You have dual monitors? Cool, but that's pretty useless for games...not to mention LCDs still suck compared to CRTs/plasmas in terms of motion and color fidelity. But maybe I'm just too picky.

Yes, and one of them is 46", its the one I make games display on. Like I said before, a screen is a screen, you can plug it into anything that has an output for it.

Ignoring backwards compatibility (which is featured more or less in all 3 major consoles), your console doesn't magically stop working when a new one is released. In fact, the only console I've owned that's ever broken is the Xbox 360. I have every console from the NES to the PS3. My PCs on the other hand, die a lot more often, whether it's due to bitrot or hardware failure, and it takes an injection of cash (or warranty replacement) every time.

Yeah, its true... you can keep using your old console... but most people upgrade leaving the matchmaking services with no one to match up to anymore... special controllers begin breaking and since the manufactures have moved on to the next console (which has different standards for input devices each time for some reason...), the devices begin to breakdown after a few years (old systems with pure solid state parts not included).

PC's don't die, parts fail and need to be replaced. Consoles die and you cannot replace the bad part.

Wow, you really can't think of any other genres. RPGs ring a bell? Puzzle games? Music games? RPGs have traditionally been 2d scrollers with a story, they have recently moved to 3d using 3d engines... Music games are just scrollers with a beat that use non-standard controllers... Puzzle games, you got me on that one...

Comment Re:it's not dying (Score 3, Insightful) 496

And you don't even have to leave your house to get the games.

And you'll never be able to resell them. And, if Steam decides to ban you, you lose access to your entire library. Even if you're banned because someone stole your credit card, you have no recourse.

No one I know resells their games anyway... PC or Console, if they didn't want to have it they would have rented it.

Since everybody has a computer anyway, a $100 graphics card will get you better graphics than a console at a lower price than a console.

On a much tinier screen, with a far less comfortable input device...and did I mention that your games will get progressively slower unless you plunk down $250 every year for a new video card? And if you have a laptop, you can't upgrade at all.

I have 46 inches of useable space on my desktop, its just a matter of what you plug your screen into...

And 250 a year? Not even close... try 250 everytime a console is release AND you get to play your existing games AND the new games. Too bad the console makes all your current games garbage....

smart ass answer = Unless you're playing a 2D scroller, joysticks are for losers.

Unless you're playing RTS or FPS, keyboards are for losers.

(which pretty much just leaves scrollers and sports)

Comment Re:No (Score 2, Interesting) 291

Yeah, we're all totally pissed that our extensions take up an added 5% of our memory usage and .00000000005% of our disk space, and the extra 00:00:03 of time the processor spent loading them right? /sarcasm

  Why is it that the people here, on a computing and technology based site, have the shittiest, low end, antiquated computer equipment around? The actual users of the extensions don't care AT ALL that it takes that tiny fraction more to view their sites without ads or whatever else it is that helps them get their browsing done better/faster.

Comment Re:It's better than Mac OS X documentation (Score 1) 769

Apple's online knowledgebase is unsurpassed,

I especially like how they document when updates cause you to be unable to use your network card, so that you have to restart in apples version of safe mode and delete a few cached config files.

Oh wait! The 6 months the issue existed didn't provide them enough time to document that....

Sorry, I find the apple KB to be mostly useless.

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