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Comment Not necessary.... (Score 1) 439

I follow BP on twitter @BPGlobalPR to quench my thirst for oil spill info. Their latest tweet:

By the way, we made it so if you google image search "oil spill" or "bp" you'll see some great celeb sideboob pics. #bpcares

Comment Re:No point in raiding Earth (Score 2, Insightful) 1015

I completely agree - the idea that Earth has unique resources is both a false and anthropocentric view. The elements that make Earth are seen everywhere in systems all around us. Heck, they could just hang out in the Oort Cloud and mine that for a few million years until they got bored.

And I see no scientific basis to assume that our bodies/minds would serve any useful purpose or a superior intelligence, despite what Hollywood tells us.

Comment Re:Makes no sense (Score 1) 173

Exactly. This "opened" and "not opened" email vernacular are just arbitrary virtual terms designed to mimic real world snail mail terminology. Email is just a digital file and whether or not somebody has read the contents of the file has nothing to do with the governments authority (or lack there of) to read it without warrant.

Comment Enjoy your lazy job while it lasts. (Score 1, Flamebait) 547

"to keep my brain from overheating I spend several hours a week surfing the web (usually reading tech news but also a few stops on Facebook, email, etc). I should add that I am interrupted a few times per day."

You said you usually work about 10-15 hours per week. So that means that on some weeks, you fuck off on the internet for 30 hours a week!?! Sorry you to hear you get "interrupted a few times per day" while Facebooking. You poor, poor thing.

Oh, and by the way, I'm on my daily 10 minute break. Back to actual work for me. Have a nice 8 hour day doing.....whatever it is you do.

Comment Censorship is ... censorship. (Score 4, Insightful) 65

Sure, while people who have the expertise, time, and desire to circumvent "censorship" may just view censorship as a mere "complication", for the rest of the population who are work hard all day and lack both the energy and prowess and are afraid of being arrested, it's still censorship.

And it's more than just censorship, it's stuff that fills the void of truth like propaganda and disinformation. Just mix it all together and you have most of the populace which is misinformed and under, for lack of better terms, a soft form of mind control.

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