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Comment Re:Another inevitable function of this... (Score 1) 196

With respect, I doubt that'll be in the 'near' future for these. The problem with recording video is that you actually have to capture the photons to do that. Capture the photons on the recording media, and they are no longer available for the eye to 'see'.

Interesting objection, but easy to overcome. You do realize that the lens also will also have the ability to project light into the eye, right? So why not just project the capture back into the eye? In fact, this could be a feature. The user would have the ability to turn off the recording to see reality, or turn it on to see replicated reality, in-other-words, a video feed of what they are "seeing" (of course augmented with whatever information the user wants). You could adapt filters to this incoming replicated reality, like various video effects or themes, like zombie filters so that all humans look like zombies (random thought, I know), or characters from your favorite MMO, or to adapt landscapes to match your favority movie, like having Transformers flying around or battling in the streets above you.

But I digress.

Comment Re:Another inevitable function of this... (Score 1) 196

Good lord, that would make for the most boring home videos ever. "And here I am, driving to work for the 857th time..."

Actually, I was thinking more in the direction of "And here I am, banging my super-hot ex-girlfriend for the 1st time...when we were 18."

I know, this is Slashdot, so that scenario wouldn't really apply to anyone here. The driving one, how ever...

Comment This is my password for TC... (Score 4, Funny) 554

(my password: "ForThe100thTimeFuckYouIWillNotTellYouMyPasswordEver")

British Police: "Tell us your password."
Me: "For the 100th time, fuck you, I will not tell you my password ever."
British Police: "Oh, you want to be cheeky? Tell us your password or you're going to prison!"
Me: "For the 100th time, fuck you, I will not tell you my password ever."
British Police: "This is a matter of bloody national security, you'll get 5 years!"
Me: "For the 100th time, fuck you, I will not tell you my password ever."
British Police: "He refuses to submit, send him to jail!"
Me: "Great, I'll see you in court. You recorded that conversation, right?"
British Police: ???

Comment Some better name ideas... (Score 1) 629

Radio Hut (Hey, if it's good enough for Pizza and Sunglasses...)

Shack Attack (This name screams action, and encompasses the feeling of panic motivating most customers to shop there at the last minute)

Movie Theater Popcorn (This name conveys the convenience and prices offered, compared to their competition. EMBRACE YOUR BUSINESS MODEL!!!)

Cell Shack (Cell phones are kind of like radios, and let's admit it, isn't this want they really want to be?)

Radio Slut (Sex SELLS.)

Comment Excellent, Smithers.... (Score 1) 273

This will make my job of Industrial Espionage much easier.
  • I can eavesdrop on your phone calls (I'm in your office now)
  • I can view your computer screen (I'm looking over your shoulder).
  • I can take sneak peaks at your hard copy documents you are reading (as I walk around your desk and pretend to read the paper).

Just think of the possibilities. I might even be able to go home early!

Comment *Ahem* - GPS is far from dependable enough (Score 1) 891

How can one challenge the accuracy or flaws in the record generated by the GPS receiver in your car? GPS's suffer all kinds of issues in cities like New York with signal bounce, etc., which result in flawed positions. Who reviews the accuracy of the data, or are you just SOL?

I can just see the fun government tax forms you'd have to fill out to get a refund for GPS errors that resulted in mileage errors over the course of a year. Not to mention, what if you're a farmer who drives only on private roads not maintained by county/state/fed? What if you're private road parallels a major highway and the GPS incorrectly thinks you're driving on the highway and hence taxes you? There are dozens of issues this convoluted system will generate for the consumer/citizen/sheeple.

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The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
