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Comment I'm (almost) one of'em (Score 1) 268

I was probably in my mid-20s when I began to realize popular music was not only boring, but stupid as well. Most songs have about 25 words that get repeated over and over and over, ad nauseam. At about the same time I ran across a Moody Blues tune (the name won't surface at the moment) that seemed to have some elements of classical music.

Intrigued, I started listening to classical and kicked the pop habit. Give me Beethoven's Ninth over anything else that's ever been recorded.

I wonder whether others who aren't fond of most "music" also don't need to be entertained passively on a 7x24 basis and can find or create their own entertainment.

Comment an exclusively online retailer (Score 1) 423

If RS gives up their brick and mortar stores, I'll say adios. As an online-only retailer, they couldn't possibly compete with Mouser, DigiKey, etc.

If they keep their brick and mortar stores, they need to put specs on the parts they sell. I needed a couple of snap-on ferrite chokes recently and got them at a local RS store. The parts didn't give the first inkling of the range of frequencies they were supposed to block.

How hard can it be to add "blocks RF at 5MHz and above" (or whatever) on the package?

Comment living forever and more (Score 0) 254

"He [Kurzweil] believes, for example, that a significant portion of people alive today could end up living forever, thanks to the ministrations of ultra-intelligent computers and beyond-cutting-edge medical technology."

Que the advertisement for flying cars. Wait, there aren't any.

As Niels Bohr famously said, "Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future."

Even if Kurzweil's predictions come true (which I seriously doubt), I frankly don't want or need the help of "ultra-intelligent computers."

And "beyond-cutting-edge medical technology?" What a joke. Even if obamacare doesn't cause the self-destruction of the U.S. economy, no 99%er would be able to afford that kind of medical technology.

AI reminds me of fusion power: "It's 20 years in the future. And always will be." (Sorry, don't know the attribution for that quote.)

Comment Re:Questions (Score 1) 139

Ever notice how when you ask a dog a question, it almost always tilts its head and gives you a puzzled look?

When I want to demonstrate my dog's pronounced head tilting to others, I speak to my dog (a Border Collie mix) in complete sentences. The degree of tilt she displays seems to depend on whether she understands the word and likely the importance of the word. For example, "momma" or "treat" generates noticeably more tilt than "bath".

Comment advice (Score 2) 421

"My main hold back is the $1500 price tag for a device that just seems to be a camera and navigation aid. Does anyone in the /. community have Google Glass and can they give some advice to the rest of us considering it?"

Don't be a child. Put your $1,500 into a retirement fund. With the way the U.S. economy is going, you will need it.

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