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Comment Re:Hoax (Score 1) 986

You are a moron. You obviously didn't even read a word of gweihir's link. Did you even click on it? You are far more intellectually dishonest than Rossi has ever been in his life. Just by your 100% stupid comment, which indicates you started shouting amen and hallelujah without even knowing what you were replying to. Idiot. Fanatic. Lunatic.

Comment Re:Hoax (Score 1) 986

It's not. On the very first page of the GP's paper: "Our comments reported here are based on the report as uploaded on arXiv ( and Elforsk home pages on May 20, 2013 (version 2) [1]. Any possible subsequent updates have not been considered." Fail. To. Read. GP should be ashamed but not nearly as ashamed as Nemyst and tibit. I too am waiting for some good comments on arXiv to be posted for the latest test. Sadly I'll be ignoring everything these 3 slashdotters have to say on the matter because they are idiots and can't even get their thoughts in the right context.

Comment Re:Hoax (Score 1) 986

I agree with your sentiment. My observations have also lead me to believe that generating power is NOT something that higher levels of government will allow local government to participate in/regulate. And larger companies and richer individuals will never allow small local companies and common people make their own energy. I am curious as to the name of this town in Missouri? And surely this story has been repeated all over Michigan and many other midwestern states, but I can't find a central list of such histories (ddg'd and googled for 5 minutes). Can you point us to a good starting point?

Comment Re:stupid (Score 1) 210

Ok I don't know why I should believe AC's theory of hiding in plain sight vs. Edward Snowden (who is pretty vetted, and shown to be a smart cookie and trustworthy to boot). Further, he's not asking paranoid people only to avoid these services, he's using the time period when non-nerds around the world are shocked and horrified to encourage a move to better tools and more privacy. Perhaps even starting a move to federated and decentralized, multi-company, multi-platform communication tools. Think email, IRC, BBS and USEnet for the 21st century. And for everyone.

TL;DR: Hopefully using better, more "real internet" communications with encryption won't be a hallmark of people with things to hide, but all of us. It's about good citizenry.

Comment Re:Something wrong at the foundation - (Score 1) 504

Thank you for being so succinct and so correct! Just waiting for trolls to show up waving their arms about you being an "Ayn Rand worshiper" and your delusional libertarian fantasies. Personally I wish their energy was spent working to restore and retain democracy. "A republic, madam, if you can keep it"

Comment Re:What is MediaGoblin? (Score 1) 22

I love the fundraiser and wish the best of luck. I'm a bit frustrated by the timing... I went to donate but it didn't want to go through the first time (non-US card, sometimes I need to call them up) and sadly you've timed it to end on a Friday when all the banks etc. are closed!!! So regretfully no contribution from me ... I'll do it on Tuesday when the banks re-open, but will I still be able to get the t-shirt, 3d-printed logo, stickers and a Thank GNU?

Comment Re:Not even reading TFA (Score 1) 564

So you mean that in this situation, the party that actually produces something and provides value (a browser and open internet experience) has the upper hand over google who is just a rentier (a very monopolistic middle man, but a middleman nonetheless)? Who woulda thunk!!!! Does the rest of the world work like this? Do the producers eventually overcome the rentiers every time, on a long enough timescale?? (Invoke betteridge's law *here*)

Sorry what I meant to say was mod parent up.

Comment Re:Virulently? (Score 1) 564

The link to the text "virulently opposed to Proposition 8" has nothing do with backing the claim that behaved "virulently". Weasel words: score -1 for the summary.

Ok you clicked the link and read it. But let's consider the blog post a bit closer:

we do not generally take a position on issues outside of our field, especially not social issues


We hope that California voters will vote no on Proposition 8

So ... it's a bit like your grandpa who never talks about the war. And then during a big family meal, people are talking about abortion and assisted suicide. He gets up and starts out with "I never talk about the war" but then launches into a tirade about hitlers death camps (just saving time for us both here), describes them first-hand, and then posits his opinion that they were the logical conclusion of eugenics in general.

That's pretty dramatic. Sorry, I couldn't think of a car analogy. But from what I can see, google is swinging a huge amount of weight and being very strongly opinionated about a highly nuanced subject. At least companies like Redhat and Mozilla have enough sense to keep out of such discussions! They and their ilk are the only ones that get my money.

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