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Comment Re:Sex discrimination. (Score 1) 673

That doesn't make any sense either, I've seen some events and charities that are meant to sponsor "women and minorities" only. This basically means anything except white males.

Honestly it doesn't bother me. Perhaps even a bit flattering; basically what they're saying is I'm the only one who has thick enough skin to not need any special considerations or handicaps.

Comment Re:What a joke (Score 1) 195

Please tell me where in my posts I defend that we should go 100% organic.

I didn't say you did. Honestly dude you're reading way too far into my posts, just like you do with everybody else. First you attack me (accuse me of being a shill) and then you accuse me of saying things I didn't even say. I'm not bothering with the rest of your post, just go ahead and fuck yourself already.

Comment Re:What a joke (Score 1) 195

And you're trying to bullshit me by saying I'm giving you a choice. I'm not giving you any choice, and I'm not denying you any choice either. What I'm saying is that we can't live on 100% organic. Analogies to harnessing zero point energy come to mind; it's just not going to happen. We also can't live on 0% GMO either; if we end that, then countries which have ended famine in recent decades will have to go back to famine. That is a fact.

We've already outgrown what the planet's resources are capable of giving us. That doesn't mean we have to shrink or even stop growing, it just means we have to adapt. GMO is part of that adaptation.

Looking at your post history, you're quite an asshole to everybody you talk to. There are many categories of assholes, and I can already tell that you're in the grade A category. You also seem to think that you have all of life's problems already sorted out, and that everybody simply needs to place their nose in your ass to reach paradise. I'm going to tell you right now though that you're quite wrong, and in fact people following you is a surefire way for their lives to become shitty.

You also seem to consider Europe to be "the rest of the world" and yet also somehow better than the rest of the world. Typical self centered asshole. Next time you start a world war I'll make sure the occupiers say hello.

Comment Re:The spokesman for the AHA said... (Score 1) 408

High chance you're treating it the wrong way, either that or your expectations are wrong. If you're used to homeopathy, then your solution is always a straight-forward "like for like" but modern medicine doesn't work that way. For example, you aren't going to treat a viral cold with medicine designed to treat a bacterial cold, such as antibiotics. Even if you do use the correct medication, it isn't going to fix the problem over night either; it may even take days (often times the infection will be gone but the symptoms persist, which is mainly just a side effect of the way your immune system works, in which case you can use medication to merely treat the symptoms, because the underlying cause is already gone.)

Comment Re:What a joke (Score 1) 195

A more accurate term would be "apologetic" rather than shill. No, I'm not being paid. It's hard to speak up for yourself when you are the one being attacked. Try being a white guy speaking against these guys:

As bullshit as it is, you can't speak against it if you're white. Why? Well because you have a conflict of interest, therefore most people will automatically be less willing to believe you. Sometimes, for this reason some groups need an outside advocate. Monsanto has been demonized by the organic movement. Have they done some things wrong? Yeah. And so have we all. But this campaign against them is unjustified if not downright evil. In that case, here I am, an outside advocate who has no conflict of interest.

Also, your statement about food just being improperly distributed is only a result of the green revolution. Without it, and without GMO foods, there simply aren't enough resources available to feed the whole world on organic food. It's just not going to happen. You can thank companies like Monsanto for that one, but instead you want them burned at the stake for what you perceive as witchcraft.

Comment Re:What a joke (Score 3, Insightful) 195

I don't see why Monsanto is in this. GMO is a good thing; it currently plays a major role in the green revolution that is quite literally ending world hunger. There is no credible evidence of it being harmful. Monsanto isn't the only company behind it. The patent infringement lawsuit wasn't over what the majority seem to think it was over (the ONE farmer that was sued actually deliberately knew he was infringing, and they quite conclusively proved it; this wasn't a case of random cross-pollination.)

The biggest groups against Monsanto are mainly the organic farmers, and they actually have a set of much more nefarious motives:

- Organic farming makes much higher profit margins than GMO, so there IS money in it for them. Lots and lots of money. GMO is their biggest competitor, so it only makes sense for them to demonize it. Sadly, the hipsters have bought into it, and usually they are the least likely to buy into propaganda.
- Reverting to Organic farming will destroy the green revolution, and countries like India will once again see famine if that came to pass.
- Organic farming requires much more landmass than modern methods. If you're an environmentalist of any sort, you should very much be against organic farming as it necessitates e.g. deforestation.
- There aren't enough natural resources in the world to sustain the current human population with organic farming (hence point number 2.)

Being anti-GMO is every bit as destructive, stupid, and naive as being anti-vaccination, and it's about time that people realize this.

Comment Re:Ah, antimatter (Score 1) 393

Pretty much. I won't pretend to be an expert on particle physics, hence I just stated what I did, but I don't think that when anti-matter and regular matter come into contact they don't zap each other out of existence, rather they instead break down into the most elementary particles (releasing large quantities of energy in the process,) and then those will re-stabilize into whatever they can depending on the circumstances.

In certain circumstances, it stabilizes into anti-matter, like what is found in the Van Allen belts. In most circumstances, it stabilizes into regular matter. But, it won't stabilize into anti-matter in the presence of matter, nor vice-versa. Why? Because the original circumstances that caused it to destabilize are presented again if that happens.

It's possible that just out of blind chance (say, exact 50-50 odds of it going either way) what we call regular matter just happened to win. But again, I'm not a theoretical physicist nor anything close to it, so I base this on absolutely nothing.

Comment Re:Assertion of the day. (Score 2) 161

I was just about to respond to that myself, though differently.

I believe in being empathetic, but I don't believe anybody has any kind of duty or moral obligation to be.

I think the worst form of greed is expecting somebody else to be more generous than you yourself are willing or able to be. Asking is one thing, but expecting or demanding is another.

Comment Re:NOTABUG (Score 1) 96

From what I heard, Netflix didn't want to support it (or just hasn't had the time to implement it yet, that hasn't been clarified.)

I'm thinking about getting one because I don't like having a PC plugged into a TV (PCs really are a pain in the ass to get working properly with a remote, not to mention being able to switch between applications with one as well.) I have a Roku 3, but the UI for Plex on it is just awful, and apparently Plex has no say in the matter (Roku gives developers a limited set of UI templates to choose from.)

That said, it would be nice if this feature worked for Plex.

Plus I've been gathering a crapload (perhaps 700 or so) of the "free app of the day"s from Amazon, in addition to a few free "non-free" apps via their occasional coin and credit giveaways, and I'm thinking at least some of them will be useful on this.

Comment Re:I think this is bullshit (Score 1) 1746

Such as? Pretty much the only case I can think of on that would be the Dixie Chicks. That wasn't really a boycott though, rather their fanbase just didn't care to listen to them anymore. Most of the right were never really into their music to begin with, but the few that were probably just couldn't stand listening to some people singing after they heard them speaking out as whiny activists.

There's also the incident where carbonite saw dramatically reduced subscriber numbers after they yanked their Limbaugh sponsorship, but again not a boycott, rather that was more a result of them deciding to snub what was perhaps their biggest source of customers.

Comment Re:Top Gear was worse. (Score 1) 544

Tesla is hardly a rich man's car. Maybe the original Roadster was, but the newer models are priced lower than typical luxury cars from other manufacturers. In fact, it runs about 10 grand cheaper than the Lexus LX, which is sort of the generic of luxury cars (not that it isn't a good car mind you.)

Also, I'm pretty sure that the stated purpose of the carpool lane is to reduce emissions. This is why most states, for example, allow motorcycles in it, because they're quite a bit more efficient in that regard. Seeing as an electric car has zero emissions, it kind of makes sense (I don't know about California, but the Phoenix area is powered entirely by nuclear and hydro, so its "fuel" is near zero emissions.)

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