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Comment Contacting Senators is worthless (Score 1) 133

I've contacted my Senators on a variety of issues and almost every time I get a response. On this issue, however, I have sent the EFF form in to them about 20 times and have not once received a response. I take that back, the first time I sent it, one of them responded with an email about health care.

Comment Re:Stop banging on about healthcare (Score 2, Insightful) 452

In the US the poor 20% of the population have nothing.

Wrong. The poor in the U.S. have Medicaid. The middle class is the one that gets screwed in the U.S. Those that get sick but can't afford the high insurance costs but make just enough money to not qualify for Medicaid.

You are from the UK. Stop considering yourself an expert on U.S. health care.

Comment Re:how's that hope and change working out for you? (Score 1) 169

and God forbid you should suggest some kind of government regulation because that is "socialism" and as every patriotic American knows Socialism = Evil.

There's a difference between a government running corporations and a government regulating corporations. The current Congress and Administration prefer the former. I call that socialism and I don't care if that offends you.

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