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Comment Re:It makes sense, BUT... (Score 1) 625

Additionally, the (theoretical) recovery methods for wiped data all rely on electron microscopes taking extremely high precision measurements. Your hard drive does not contain an electron microscope, nor would that be economical.

I think the GP has confused "realistically doable" with "easy". No one, to my knowledge, has ever argued that recovering a wiped drive would be a trivial undertaking. Only that, to a determined attacker with appropriate resources, it might be possible to do in a reasonable amount of time. And the question is really whether or not that is true.

Comment Re:why 2 links (Score 1) 89

I didn't even see the "previous interview" and "next interview" links on the articles until I deliberately set about finding such links. I did spot the links under "recent features", but those will eventually move down the queue and out of sight. So it's actually somewhat helpful for TFS to link to the 3 articles. Granted, better web design could have made the additional links unnecessary.

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