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Comment Re:Of course (Score 1) 871

LOL, you seem to think you know a lot about me. No reason to get personal. But just for your info, I'm neither immensely wealthy, nor starvingly poor.

We're a nation of laws, and while you can certainly argue the rightness or wrongness of any of them if you care to do so, trading against insider information is illegal. It would have been illegal if she lost money, illegal if she made it.

But in the end, you're defined by how you treat other people. She's an asshole, by all accounts, and while I was joking about this particular item, it's a joke founded in some level of truth. If you disagree, fine. However, the law disagrees with your interpretation of what's "none of anyone's fucking business".

Comment I grew up on the edge of those neighborhoods (Score 5, Interesting) 330

If I threw a rock hard enough, I would have hit the Uplands. That neighborhood is CRAZY. Trick or treating there as a kid was a good way to work off the calories from all the candy, as you had to go up so many steps the sugar was a wash. Many of the homes there have coats of arms over the doors. They are wealthy, wealthy, wealthy. I've seen houses in my old neighborhood which is a ghetto in comparison selling for well over $1M, so these places are easily in the tens of millions.

Of course they're getting private security. The Oakland police are so busy that if you're reporting a crime that is not CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, they'll mail you a report form. You never even see an officer if your car or house is broken into.

Meanwhile, half a mile away, on Telegraph Ave, Berkeley has about the highest concentration of mentally ill homeless people in the nation, perhaps outside of Manhattan. But heaven forbid someone gets their big screen TV stolen.

Comment Re:Martha Stewart (Score 4, Interesting) 871

I'd put a different spin on it. I'd say she went to jail for being criminally assholish. When she said she didn't make any money, it was because she looks at $30,000 (IIRC, the amount she profited) like most of us look at pennies on the floor of our cars. For the cop in question, that was half his annual income, so he took her in.

At least that's how I like to look at it :)

Comment Re:If this was Apple... (Score 1) 258

Actually, I think I've noticed a significant drop-off in the Apple hate. It used to annoy me that anything bad--even if it was incorrectly reported to look bad--that Apple was accused of would get a thousand or more vitriolic comments here on /., but recently, it seems like those numbers are waning. Even the cracking of TouchID seemed to get a pretty rational, "Ho hum, nobody expected it to be perfect, but it's still better than no security" reaction.

Comment ARGH! (Score 1) 230

Why does Austin get everything before Portland? By the time I get my fiber, all those f'ing hipsters will be saying, "I had fiber before it was cool."

We do have Verizon FIOS out here in the metro area, but it's way the heck out west by Beavertron, presumably because of Intel. East of the Willy, the choices are Qwest (CenturyLink?) DSL which is slow as F, or Comcast, which is fast and reliable, but with a little more competition, I'm sure they could afford to drop the price by a few bucks.

Oh, and speaking of Qwest/CL's DSL, they keep sending me mailers suggesting that I could get up to 20 Mbps on their enhanced DSL. Once a year, I take the bait and call them, and every single time, the max they can offer me is a virtually trogloditic 1.5 Mbps. You'd think that, if their mailing system is database-driven, and their bandwidth availability lookup is database driven, they could do some cross-referencing and only bother sending out mailers to people who either can get great bandwidth or who don't have any other options...

OK, end rant.

Comment Re:Only 3.11? (Score 2) 98

Remember the browser-version wars? I think that IE jumped from 2.1 to 4 in a matter of weeks. Eventually, Google and Firefox took it to the logical extreme, changing major revision numbers ever 12 minutes. I guess it's still going on...

Comment Re:No, it's a franchisee getting sued. (Score 1) 1103

Yes, but regardless of what you say to your wife, you're stopping at a particular restaurant that's run by a particular franchisee. I wouldn't be surprised if the bigger corporation were forced into setting some policies following this lawsuit, but for the time being, it is indeed that franchisee who is being sued. Think of it this way: if the owner of your local Nissan dealership was up on murder charges, would you say, "Nissan is being accused of murder!!"?

Sorry, just had to get a car analogy in there.

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