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Comment Re:I do not condone violence nor stealing... (Score 1) 1198

"In any case, this guys seems a bit disconnected from reality:"

What do you expect?

It takes people who are just that little bit cuckoo to do the pioneering work in fields like augmented eyesight.

Think of it this way: the first man to drink cow's milk was completely bonkers.

Comment Re:is it real (Score 1) 1198

"Oddly, we also have far less shooting massacres than you bloody Septics. Funny how those seem to be related, isn't it?"

Not that the parent comment isn't daft, it is, but you should know that us Septics enjoy a far gentler street culture, and encounter casual violence far less than you Limeys, precisely because our criminals keep killing each other.

Comment Re:C'mon (Score 1) 288

Hey genius, go look at the price of commodities.

I didn't know commodities as a whole were affected by global warming. I guess we can't grow as much cobalt or whatever as we used to. Or are you claiming that modern economics actually is right? In that case, shouldn't we consider costs and benefits of everything, not just your one-sided perceived costs of AGW?

Wheat. Barley. Soy. Maize.

What do you think happens when the climate degrades the productivity of the world's breadbasket regions?

You're seeing that now with the wild fires in Colorado, New Mexico and Utah.

Or we're seeing the effects of bad forestry practices dating back to the beginning of the last century. Please recall that for a long time, the US would aggressively fight fires the moment they appeared. This resulted in a massive build up of fuel for wildfires.

You're seeing that with the heavy rains in Florida.

Which gets heavy rains anyway.

I find it interesting how one replier can tell me that we don't and can't understand the effects of climate while another tells me exactly what effects AGW already has had. How about you two get together and sort out your talking points first?

Already has had? We just lost the cherry harvest in the upper Midwest.
Vermont's maple harvest is being wiped out.

The effects of warming are hitting everywhere.

Comment Re:Attacking the problem from the wrong end. (Score 1) 391

Then explain Springfield, IL. You can't throw a beer bottle in this town without hitting a bar with it; there are at least five within staggering distance from my house. Yet folks here still get plastered and drive.

I would bet those folks don't live within staggering distance or within bus distance from those 5 bars.

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