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Comment Re:Christin McMeley of Charter Sent Me an E-mail (Score 1) 180

Just a follow-up, but I got a call back from a staffer saying I'd receive a direct phone call from Ms. McMeley. Impressive actually.... I did share with the staff person the specific question I had about why they'd share information with a third party when i've asked the specifically not to...and that if they send out an apology e-mail they need to include contact information and to share it with their whole company including phone staff. We'll see how it goes....

Comment Christin McMeley of Charter Sent Me an E-mail (Score 1) 180

Just got mine from Christin McMeley of Charter Communications. Conspiciously, it didn't really answer any of my questions nor did they provide any contact information other than a generic www.charter.com/security website totally silent on the subject. When I tried to call Charter they had zero clue about it and thought I had been phished and suggested ignoring the e-mail. Reluctantly and with at least 20 minutes of phone tech and manager consternation they transferred me to their privacy department and ended in a voicemail I have zero faith I'll get a call back on. Rather annoyed I decided to find Ms. McMeley directly and totally surprised to find her actual personal phone number via Google and an incident where they had....wait for it.....reported 12 stolen laptops with personnel data in 2008. http://www.oag.state.md.us/idtheft/Breach%20Notices/ITU-157541.pdf And when I called the number...I got Ms. McMeley's cheery voicemail...in her own voice! That alone was great satisfaction to just leave a message...and asked her nicely to give me a call back on this most important issue. I'm still waiting, but cautiously optimistic she or a staffer will call. And if not...I'll persevere until they explain why my data was stolen when I asked them expressly to not share my personal data with anybody. And if that doesn't work wonder if those fine folks at anonymous are busy?

Comment Cold Fusion and Myth of Mormons Putting Out (Score 1) 815

Why am I having the profound sense of dejavu? I suddenly feel like I'm 20 years younger....wandering around Salt Lake City for the elusive Mormon tail at University of Utah.....reading the newspaper about Cold Fusion discoveries. Wait, it was a hoax then. I wonder if it is now? If not....maybe this time I'll finally succeed in doing the deed with a hot college Mormon and flimsy moral standards. ;)

Comment My Own Research (Score 1) 161

Ouch. I went down the list of clients and did a little check on a popular forum I'm an owner and admin for the past few years. At least three instances of pasted text from one article or another using the forum search software. None on Google. However, this community-minded recreational board (and no commercial activity including ads) has zero interest in infringing on copyright and occasional posts some off-topic thing because they're bored. But, their off-topic banter now puts me and their community at risk. Yikes! And $105 is a serious amount for me as well as I'm not eager to put willingly put my real name, phone number, and addres in yet another database searchable online. And the three tasks are a true PITA that could take 5-10 hours to do including searching and removing any existing content on the 200 or so affiliate website URL, to program the forum to block them in the future, and future mainteance. And if I block, I guarantee I'll become a bad guy "censoring" them because they don't know copyright law enough to make a distinction between a hyperlink (which I thought was still OK) and pasting something from their website (which can be OK if it's Fair Use). Decisions, decisions, decisions.... . . Never mind! I just Google Molotov Cocktail and feel much better.
The Military

Russian Army Upgrades Its Inflatable Weapons 197

jamax writes "According to the BBC: 'The Russian military has come up with an inventive way to deceive the enemy and save money at the same time: inflatable weapons. They look just like real ones: they are easy to transport and quick to deploy. You name it, the Russian army is blowing it up: from pretend tanks to entire radar stations.' But the interesting thing is these decoys are not dumb - actually they appear to be highly advanced for what I thought was a WWII-grade aerial photography countermeasures. Apparently they have heat signatures comparable with the military tech they represent, as well as the same radar signature."

Comment EMET (Score 1) 93

Great, so EMET will be downloaded by a few developers and IT experts and their system will work fine. However, develop and deploy this beta application to run on the thousands of end user workstations on a corporate network? I'm sure between the unintended system slow down from YET ANOTHER APPLICATIOn combined with users wondering what this new icon is doing ought to be seemless. Too bad FoxIt and others don't provide a nagware free product that's an enterprise solution. Maybe Adobe will start roping back in all their bloat from the last decade and really tighten up their app?

Submission + - Why the LHC is like an experiment in space (edgeofphysics.com)

edgeofphysics writes: THE LHC is like no other experiment on Earth, literally. Some aspects of it make it just as difficult to repair as an experiment in outer space. The blog post discusses the amazing "cold" that makes the LHC one-of-a-kind machine.

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