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Comment GCD is not multithreading, it's thread management (Score 5, Informative) 205

Grand Central is not introducing multithreading - it's introducing comprehensive thread management. So, how many threads are you going to spin for that task? Too many, and you waste a lot of time on thread management and preemption. Too few, and you have processors sitting idle. Now how will you handle this with multiple CPU's? Multiple cores? Hyperthreading? Different cache amounts and layout? OpenCL and GPU processing? Do you know what the rest of the operating system is doing to plan appropriately?

In short, your program can at best make a stab at these issues, and possibly even do a reasonable job if you put a lot of time, effort, and profiling into it. Or you could just use GCD, and let the framework handle it all for you, regardless of whether you're on a Core Solo Mac Mini or a Mac Pro with mutliple OpenCL graphics cards.

It's good stuff. And Apple gave it to the community (much like WebKit enhancements, launchd, etc).

Comment Re:more reason for the FCC's Internet neutrality r (Score 1) 153

No, for many people, there are no alternatives. I'm really glad for you that you have them, but others do not, and acting as if this is an imaginary problem is not helping.

"a competitor might be able to gain some traction... I would start my own community ISP buying and reselling raw bandwidth"

Or... just make it so that predatory practices don't occur in the first place. And are you completely unfamiliar with barriers to entry? Have fun laying out your new distribution network for your ISP - because clearly you're not going to use existing rights of way, as those are only open to you because of dirty, nasty regulations.

"Market based solutions are not always swift, but they are usually better than legal based ones."

Ah yes - please tell that to laborers in China or India, where such solutions don't exist. Or take a look at Dickensian times, when they didn't exist in the West either. Capitalism drives a lot of personal innovation, but also rewards selfish influences (to put it mildly).

Comment Re:iPhone (Score 3, Informative) 501

It's the most visible because it's the only one that gets advertised by the media

It's most visible because it was radically different from other platforms and single-handedly changed the market. Go ahead, show me 3D gaming on phones before the iPhone. For that matter, look at phone interfaces, capabilities, and internet usage on them before the iPhone. The iPhone raised the bar, and very little has caught up with it yet. State of the art used to be Windows Mobile 6 and PalmOS - yes, Palm OS. Windows Mobile has blown it ever since, LiMo never went anywhere, and Google Android and Palm Pre very likely would not have been developed if the iPhone hadn't radically changed the market. It gets recognition for that, and it's well-deserved.

sales figures show a different story

Really? It's at 23% in the US, and 14% worldwide. And it only came out two years ago, with its famously limited capabilities at the time.

Personally I'd much rather to see a future that continues with multiple companies (of which Apple can be one), with choice, and most importantly, compatible standards so that I can release an application that Just Works on all phones

Yeah, that worked out so well on Windows and the PC world. Multiple vendors never makes things Just Work - it's the antithesis of it. Protocol incompatibilities, inconsistent hardware support, no platform direction.

Look at Apple. For example, they want to support something like OpenCL. They make sure their hardware has the proper GPU's, the OS supports it, GrandCentral is created, the compiler toolchain adds blocks, and oh yeah, they've been working on LLVM/Clang for years. NONE of that happens when you have a heterogeneous environment and no one is coordinated. Apple wants to get rid of legacy ports and bus systems - so they do it. In two years, Apple abandoned floppies, SCSI, ADB, serial, NuBus, etc. Here we are over ten years later and PC's STILL have PS/2 ports and serial ports, right next to USB 3.0. Such progress.

Note that all phones can run so called "apps". Running applications on phones has been common on all but the most basic phones for at least 5 years, and note that the market of Java smartphones is estimated at two billion.

I'm sorry - you can't possibly compare Java Midlets to iPhone applications. Nice that it has two-billion phones. I'd bet that a fraction of a percent of those users have ever cared that it's there, and those that have used it (like I used to on my PalmOS Treo - KMaps and Opera Mini) can easily see what crap it is. Ugly, slow, non-native, battery-hungry, low-performance - that's Java on a phone, and one of the reasons it's not on the iPhone. Ditto for Flash, really.

Sadly, the only thing in your post that made any sense was that Apple should be more open. And it's "should", as in it would be nice. The market has shown that they certainly don't "need" to.

Comment Nothing new here, really (Score 4, Insightful) 152

This is essentially how it works on any platform you're hacking. You can release all the open-source bits, modifications, and instructions you want (modified roms, killhdinitrd, dsmos), but the minute you combine that with proprietary software (Google Apps, Tivo software, Mac OS X DVD's), you're in hot water. So the usual result is anyone who wants to remain legitimate distributes only the modifications, and allows users to bring in the proprietary bits themselves. It's worked well, and keeps everything legally clean. Perhaps a little more work for the end user, but hacking has never been point-and-click.

Tivo hacking, Mac OS X hacking, now GooglePhone hacking. No different.

Comment Re:Purpose (Score 1) 332

Intel was talking about scaling it to 100Gbps without too much difficulty.

Intel was also once talking about scaling the Pentium IV to 10Ghz without too much difficulty. Your point is well-taken - there's headroom for expansion here - but don't just accept their pie-in-the-sky projections.

Comment Joel Spolsky, meet TheDailyWTF (Score 5, Insightful) 551

My respect for him ratcheted down quite a lot. Yes, you must ship (who knew?). That's what milestones and deadlines are for, so keep overarchitecting and feature creep from occurring. However, I would NEVER want to let a "Duct Tap Programmer" near any project that I would ever have to modify, maintain, or extend. You know, something that isn't completely trivial.

Comment Double standards here, but not Apple or Palm (Score 1) 600

Given your nick is "DNS-and-BIND", I suppose you loved SiteFinder and similar "helpful" changes to DNS behavior. Oh, you don't, because it was out of specification and could break other programs? Yeah, it does suck when people take shortcuts and break standards for their own selfish gain.

And yet you don't apply that same stance to the USB specification.

Comment Re:He's complaining about... (Score 5, Insightful) 164

Delicious Library is one of the most popular Mac shareware apps, and is exceptionally well-designed. Those wood bookcases are central to its UI look and feel. And he's already written an iPhone app - except Amazon decided to yank all mobile licenses to their data. Yes, that's right, he pays Amazon for access to their data, so it is legal use and paid for.

So your entire post is written like a true asshat who has no idea what's going on, and has contributed nothing. But that never stops Slashdot.

Comment Re:Launch Times? (Score 1) 327

Java and Flash hurt Apple because they open the door to even shittier apps and hellishly non-native interfaces. We've seen what Flash is on Mac OS X - frighteningly slow, CPU-intensive, and the source of 90% or so of Safari crashes (I have no data, but plenty of developers who deal with Safari do from the crash logs). Java is *still* slow, non-native, and would open the door to "easy cross-platform compatibility" - meaning lowest common-denominator shit. Can you imagine if we had "normal" cell phone programs on the iPhone instead of people taking the time to do native versions?

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