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Journal Journal: Revolution Dreaming

I don't know if I'll ever join another pointless organization, start another mortal venture doomed to fail. I wish the whole of the revolutionary left would focus their efforts on educating--truly educating the people and taking power. I guess thats all for now, will post after school.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Hacker Cracker

Started Reading "Hacker Cracker" by Ejovi Nuwere today..I've had it sitting on the floor next to my bedroom door for like a month now..I have been lazy and reading other books since I bought it with birthday after I read about 50 pages I went to his site nad lo and behold there is a message board..apparently he will give the most active poster an autographed copy of the book..I would love to get that...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Windows Scare

Wow, some fucked up shit happened tonight.LOL.

First off, I install DarkStep, so I'm like..yeah I'll be able to switch back and forth and shit..So I load it up and I'm stuck in Dark way to get back to explorer and sadly explorer is better than darkstep which is kinda wierd but you know Im like ahh shit cuz i go to the site by the grace of the dead god and find out that the only way to get your system.ini file un-fucked is by reinstalling WinBlows (thats right I hate
User Journal

Journal Journal: Bored as fucking hell..this is worse than school..

I'm so bored right now. I can't take my mind off of her. As she said, I don't even know her, but does that really matter?I wrote over and over in that note that I want to get to know her.(!).Anyway, craig went to the game and apparently hes gonna talk to her..I don't know though..Anyhow..all I've done tonight is download Propaghandhi songs..pretty good stuff...can't wait for craig to get home and give me a full report.
Lol, it was funny cuz dustin is so anti-authoritarian but has no idea of
User Journal

Journal Journal: Fucking Shit

I feel like a fucking idiot!FUCKING IDIOT! I'm getting confused info from my sources but either way..its all fucked source says she thought i was a dumbass for writing the sweaty palms thing another says that she thinks im am I going to do...WTF!I wish I could talk to her on AIm or if she would call me or fucking something would fucking so confused right now..I don't know what to fucking do...what the fuck do I do!?ARGH!!!!!!

User Journal

Journal Journal: ::Insert subject here..would mindless rambling work?..::


So yesterday nothing happened. Each and everytime I passed by Tanya her friends would be like "there he is..go talk to him" and I'm like "WTF?" (to myself) maybe this is just as hard for her..

I'm thinking of starting a personal webpage kinda thing..I wonder what I should do it about..and should I continue of my potentialy destructive course of only using black backgrounds or should I use a white background? All these are questions that I need to answer..leave me alone..

User Journal

Journal Journal: Whatever

Mozilla rules. Let me just get that out in the open. I use mozilla habitually now and would never again of going back to other less advanced browsers like IE or Netscape, fuck them both, Mozilla forever. There is NOTHING that opera has tha Mozilla doesn't.Nothing. Anyway, Today I'm gonna give a note to that tanya girl that reads like this: (with sweaty palms and a nervous pulse I write these words:)

Hi There,
User Journal

Journal Journal: First day on slashdot

Well I started using slashdot today for the first time in like a year. It's been a year since that bastard (my father) stole everything from me (my computer). But now after vigerous work I have finally gotten another one, and I will fight tooth and nail before this baby is leaving the side of my desk.

The SRP fell apart. Oh fucking well. We will build a new organization from the ground up and it will 10x the org that the SRP pretended to be.

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
