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Submission + - India: 'Massive' uranium find in India (bbc.co.uk)

GillBates0 writes: "BBC reports that India's southern state of Andhra Pradesh may have one of the largest reserves of uranium in the world. India is planning to set up about 30 reactors over as many years and get a quarter of its electricity from nuclear energy by 2050."

Submission + - Online collaboration helps Mumbai attack victims (cnn.com)

GillBates0 writes: "CNN has a nice story about how online collaboration swiftly helped form a centrally organized online disaster effort during Wednesday's Mumbai attacks. India accounts for almost one fifth of the world's cell phone subscribers. At a time when chaos reigned, and voice calls were jammed, a loose collaboration of techies, laymen, and good samaritans quickly collaborated online via social media, Wikipedia, Google docs and other online resoureces to coordinate blood donors, assistance, rides, and other services to help the victims of the attack."

Submission + - $22 Billion+ in Gold, Jewels found in India Temple (npr.org)

GillBates0 writes: ""In Southern India a story that sounds like the plot line of a Hollywood adventure is unfolding. A panel appointed by the country's Supreme Court, found a treasure treasure estimated to be worth US $22 billion (and counting) in the underground vaults of a Hindu temple in Trivandrum, India. The AP reports that inside the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, investigators were counting the staggering hoard of gold coins and statues of gods and goddesses studded with diamonds and other precious stones. CNN IBN adds that among the treasures (still being weighed and inventoried) are gold specters, idols, rare gems, sacks full of diamonds, and crowns of erstwhile kings.""

Submission + - Google's Bangalore Streetview project stalled (in.com)

GillBates0 writes: "The Bangalore Police has objected to the collection of data by Google's cars, which were criss-crossing Bangalore city taking high definition images to give users 360 degree views of streets. Talking about the security concerns in an earlier interview with CNN-IBN, Google India Product Head Vinay Goel said, "We are only driving on public roads and taking publicly available imagery so what we are not doing is going into a specific installation and taking private pictures and obviously we are working with the authorities so if there are certain locations they don't want us to be there we won't go there, we are happy working with the authorities here.""

Submission + - Shaky start to the morning (wikipedia.org)

GillBates0 writes: "We woke up this morning to the loudest whooming thunderclap ever (Boston suburb). Anyone else hear it?

Unless there's an alternate explanation, we think lightning may have struck our home/arrester, but there's no visible damage.

How can one tell? How does it sound when lightning strikes your or a neighboring home's lightning arrester? Any electrical engineering Slashdotters or experienced lightning catchers around?"


Submission + - Unseen Power of Michael Jackson (cnn.com)

GillBates0 writes: "Forgotten Michael Jackson photos could power the world, inventor says. A Los Angeles inventor who photographed Michael Jackson 33 years ago hopes those images will now help launch an electric motor he claims could solve the world's energy problems."

Submission + - That's all folks! (thats_all_folks.gif)

GillBates0 writes: "That's all folks, this is it!

Please feel free to enjoy any humorous, and/or clever and/or childish April Fool's anecdotes around my office, my ex-office, my family, the continents, and the dubloo-dubloo-dubloo.dot.www.com's out there, this fine and snowy New England April 1st morning. Rest assured, I'm celebrating with you in spirit wherever you are.

I'm in the middle of a sleepless and hectic release week and as such unable to indulge in, participate in or share any lolhappyfunrofl pranks with all of you, my friends, family and colleagues, current and past.

Let this be an April Fool's Day to commemorate all of the past fun April Fool's days we've shared together.

If you've ever been enjoyed a memorable April fool's please feel free to share the lulz with your near and dear ones over a cold beer and/or adult recreational beverage of your choice.

Or go watch a movie, refresh thats_all_folks.gif or something.

Just leave me alone."

Comment Don't forget Akamai (Score 3, Interesting) 392

Akamai had a role to play in the defense as well.


Akamai says it can defend against Anon attacks

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-20025477-281.html#ixzz187QnPlDV
Akamai managers say they could have bolstered the Web sites that buckled under attacks launched recently by Internet vigilantes.

The world's largest content delivery network says it has enough servers and the right kind of network to "mitigate distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks," Neil Cohen, Akamai's senior director of product marketing told CNET. DDoS describes the practice of overwhelming a Web site with traffic so that it can't be accessed.

Some well-known sites were the targets of DDoS attacks launched by a loosely connected group of WikiLeaks supporters who call themselves Anonymous or Anon for short. The group lashed out at companies they consider to be hostile to WikiLeaks, the service responsible for publicizing an enormous amount of classified U.S. government documents. Some of those attacked were MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, and Amazon.

MasterCard, Visa, and PayPal stopped processing donations made to WikiLeaks while Amazon stopped hosting WikiLeaks servers. At this point it appears that Amazon was able to withstand the attack while MasterCard and Visa's sites were inaccessible for extended periods.

Cohen said few other companies have as much experience as his with defending Web sites from this kind of threat. He said that late last month, a number of U.S. retail sites came under DDoS attack from multiple different countries. Cohen said he was unaware of who was behind it or why, but he said that Akamai helped some of the retailers withstand the onslaught of hits to their sites, which in some cases reached to 10,000 times the normal daily traffic to some of these sites. None of the sites went down, he said.

"What we did over the last decade was built out our network and we now have 80,000 servers in 70 countries," Cohen said. "We can mitigate DDoS attacks by having a server extremely close to the court rather than try to absorb the attack in one centralized location. As an attack grows in size and distributes out to more bots, we have a server near the compromised machines. As the attack gets bigger, our network scales on demand."

While there are reports that Anonymous is giving up on DDoS attacks related to the WikiLeaks case, it is unlikely that we've seen the end of them. In retaliation against the entertainment industry's antipiracy attempts, Anonymous knocked out the Web sites belonging to the Motion Picture Association of America, the Recording Industry Association of America, Hustler magazine, and the U.S. Copyright Office.

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-20025477-281.html#ixzz187QiBtJU

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Attempted P!=NP proof, need feedback (google.com) 1

GillBates0 writes: Fellow Slashdotters — here's my attempted (and possibly lame) proof for P!=NP. Since I'm not in the academic circle anymore, I don't know where else to turn to have fellow geeks review it and provide feedback. So — at the risk of spending the entire weekend sorting through brickbats, flames and egg in my face I ask — https://sites.google.com/site/pnproof/ — where did I mess up? What am I missing? Thanks for your time.

Submission + - Harry Potter blamed for India's disappearing owls (google.com) 2

GillBates0 writes: Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh has blamed fans of Harry Potter for the demise of wild owls in the country as children seek to emulate the boy wizard by taking the birds as pets. Following Harry Potter, there seems to be a strange fascination even among the urban middle classes for presenting their children with owls," Ramesh said Wednesday, according to comments reported by the BBC.

Submission + - Giant Aerostat centerpiece at Commonwealth games (wsj.com)

GillBates0 writes: Last weekend saw the world's largest aerostat of it's kind featured at the opening ceremony of the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi. The helium balloon or aerostat measures 40x80x12 meters, contains 20,000 cubic meters of helium and features lights, mirrors, cameras, a 360 degree projection screen, projectors and a reflective underbelly. During the show, it was raised 25 meters off the ground and transformed into a giant Bodhi Tree, a meditating Buddha, with giant puppets to complement the cultural performances beneath. These slideshows tell the story.

Comment Yay marketers! (Score 1) 57

Here come the 'sponsored' tweets for the twits to watch and twitter about!

Seriously, it was worthless before, now it's more so, except for the marketers and the twits who 'follow' them and think they're all smart and cool for using twitter.

Comment My $0.02 (Score 3, Interesting) 385

I find that the internet, and Google-like search capabilities mirror and satisfy my mind's innate desire to jump from one thought (and topic) to another.

Now, in addition to thinking random thoughts (which the mind/brain tends to do), I can read up and learn about on these subjects which earlier used to be just thoughts, and in that sense it makes me more learned.

What this encourages though, is a more unsteady thought pattern, with related and seemingly 'random' web searches about this thought stream.

I'm considering taking up meditation to encourage a 'calmer' mind that doesn't jump around as much between thoughts.

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