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Comment Re:I'm no car expert.. (Score 1) 717

What is wrong with a little heavy clothing? Don't you want to save the environment?

Save environment as long as it does not come at the cost of people's health. I am not Eskimo and I don't have habit of wearing furs and mittens in living room. Services are required to maintain 18C/65F during winter season in my country. 55F is about 12C. More than five degrees Celsius below norm and I would notice it at 17.5 degree.

Comment Re:What for? (Score 1) 150

What are some uses of the super-heavy elements?

You can do anything you like with them until they decay to less heavy elements. Just get so coffee to speed things up a little bit and protection from radiation to see next sunset.

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You know you've landed gear-up when it takes full power to taxi.
