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Comment Re:Finland will save money on napkins (Score 1) 523

The algorithm is dumb. Explaining it is smart. We had to do thousands of long division problems when I was a kid, and it was utterly useless after, say, the first hundred. Boring as hell. Math should be fun.

That being said, most people don't do math--not because they're incapable (I refuse to believe that many people are so congenitally stupid)--but because they're not trained well and they don't *have* to do it. So if you don't spend time teaching math that they're not going to use anyway, you could wind up with a lot of extra time to teach life skills.

Or more useful math. Let them graduate knowing how to deal with the time value of money and needing a calculator for long division--that would be a net gain.

Comment Re:Of Course they are (Score 2) 312

Girls excel at everything in school. Since the feminisation of the school system their is not a single subject that boys do not lag behind in. It is impossible to compete when the entire system is against you.

Try making the critique in a way which doesn't put half of everybody down. What specifically would have been a better system for you and why?

The system isn't "against you." It just evolved not understanding you. So make it better.

Comment Mmm... (Score 0) 81

Curiously, this technique has a long history dating back to the 19th century when Victorian doctors would look for testicular cancer by holding a candle behind the scrotum and looking for suspicious shadows. The new technique should be more comfortable.

I think we've determined who should never, ever write grant proposals.

Comment Re:Justice is served! (Score 1) 117

If you can't actually beat 'em, just bankrupt 'em or drive 'em to suicide!

I love the modern concept of "justice"

They didn't bankrupt him; he did that. He could probably have hired less experienced lawyers to represent him. My guess is his lawyers were up-front about the rates and he decided to keep using them anyway.

It's a bad system, and his choices sucked at the point where he had already committed what is technically a pretty major crime, but he still had choices.

Pretty much everyone I've ever met--with a very few exceptions--believe that copyright violation should get noncommercial violaters no more than a small civil violation. Basically a ticket with no criminal record and a small fine.

But this is commercial infringement. It's a big deal. The system still sucks, but is anyone claiming he's actually an innocent guy getting railroaded?

Comment Re:What (Score 1) 24

Probably they get to write it up as a victory in their funding request. Either that, or somebody drastically overestimated the effect it would have--But they got it wrong in a few ways. (I will not speculate on exactly how. Certain discussions are better not shared with, you know, the Syrian Electronic Army when they happen across slashdot.)

There are lots of targets that would be really smart to go after if you wanted to get the attention of the average american and/or hurt the US markets. But this op... not so much.

Comment Breaking Agreement With Microsoft (Score 1) 57

Sure Microsoft; after you sign this memorandum where you enter into binding agreement to fork over payment for all costs associated with the audit, plus an additional non-refundable fee of 6139000¥ plus a 31390¥ retainer.

Costs to Include payment for some additional vacation time for management and senior staff and the cost of purchasing additional computers, server equipment, software, and gov't employees, labor, overtime hours desired to assist with the audit, and other ordinary expenses.

It actually sounds like Xinhau broke some kind of law or agreement here, just from the way this went down.

Specifically, they disclosed the company by describing it without ever saying its name. They knew everyone would figure out who the company was. But they never would have done that unless they were prohibited from telling you the company. So they broke whatever was prohibiting them from doing that.

It's unlikely Microsoft will sue them for it (not impossible, but unlikely), but no Western company will ever trust that agreement or law again.

This is a classic example of a really *Stupid* move to make yourself seem good in the short term that makes other people less willing to deal with you in the future.

Comment Re:Wrong (Score 1) 1128

The grand jury found no reason to even send this to trial. Cut and dry case of justifiable self defense. END of story.

No, the grand jury found on probable cause. So it was not more likely than not that he was guilty, based on what they heard.

That does *not* mean it was a cut and dry case of justifiable self-defense, or that the officer was innocent.

Found *no* probable cause. Can we get an "edit for typo" button already?

Comment Wrong (Score 1) 1128

The grand jury found no reason to even send this to trial. Cut and dry case of justifiable self defense. END of story.

No, the grand jury found on probable cause. So it was not more likely than not that he was guilty, based on what they heard.

That does *not* mean it was a cut and dry case of justifiable self-defense, or that the officer was innocent.

Comment How much of an edge (Score 1) 117

Those that the US wants to fight with robots will just do the same and everybody will be a lot less safe as a result.

I am not sure I understand your logic. Are you saying that our enemies will refrain from using robots unless we go first?

The real trick is in maintaining the right amount of edge. An unrestricted arms war costs the world economy trillions of dollars and results in destructive capability that is even more disproportionate to our ability to use it responsibly than there is now. During the cold war, America was sold on the idea that the Russians had nuclear stockpiles that were much bigger and more advanced than the reality turned out to be, and as a result America spent an ungodly fortune making more and more nukes. If both sides had made a few hundred nukes each, that would have been all you needed--instead there are many thousands of devices, which not only wasted money to build but which mean the world is inherently less safe.

Unfortunately, robots are harder. Once they get good enough they can create a decisive advantage in a variety of land, sea, and air combat scenarios. There are not a lot of comparable military advances that have come about in the last few centuries.

As importantly, they decrease the political risk in war-making for superpowers. If you are risking none of your own people when you invade a country, you are much, much, much more likely to invade.

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