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Comment Re:Game is part server-side, not 'always on DRM' (Score 1) 511

Don't prove much. Remember: All the citys in the region(Normally 3 or 5, but can be up to 16) will in most cases be controlled by the same player. No need for internet to emulate that.

Yes the game does have an online global component, but its effect is currently very limited, and the game would work just as fine without it. Its only effect is that the import/export prices changes, based on the import/export of all cityes on your server. You could just use a random function to change the prices of resources, and the game would run fine without any internet.

Comment Re:I wish I had pirated it lol (Score 3, Interesting) 511

All you really need to implement to pirate the game, is a service which can load/save the game. And then you can just return fixed values for the global marked place. Then you have a perfectly working pirated game.

I don't know how complicated the load/save thing is, but If we are luckey, save just serialize the data and send it to the server, and load just get the same serialized stream back. If they do it that way, making a pirate save function should be rather simple. They did it for settlers 7.

Comment Re:"Always on" is "Mostly Unusable For Several Wee (Score 4, Informative) 511

The servers are handling a part of the game which is not that important. That is: The global marked placed. And while it is an interesting feature it is in no way vital to the system.

And I know this because I bought the game, and managed to play half an hour with absolut no internet connection and it worked fine. But then I wanted to change region, and I have been unable to play since. But once you get a game started you can normally play until you want to change to a new city. (Or the game crashes, or you look the wrong way).


Comment Re:Not an EA fan but (Score 1) 569

Where did they ever give that answer? All the beta testers have reported that if you pull your your internet cable, the simulation will continue to run fo at least a couple of minutes on the local machine. So I don't think the servers are running any simulation other then the global "Take import/export from all cityes, and calculate a global marked price for resources" part.

Comment Re:So, Oracle managed to mess this one up as well. (Score 1) 165

Sorry, but I will keep using java server side. I just hope I don't end up with that "Ask toolbar" on our server :}

And the fact that the Java Security Manager is as safe as an open door, does not really matter because 99% of all server side java code, is running without the security manager. (Or at least without relaying on the Security manager to provide security).


Comment Re:Why do these phones always suck? (Score 1) 142

No they could not. The problem is development time. When they started the development they most likely started with state of the art available hardware, but it take them so long to develop and release a phone, that its performance will be meh once they release them.

And it take them so long because their development staff is extreamly small, compared to Samsung, HTC and Apple.

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