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Family To Receive $1.5M+ In Vaccine-Autism Award 594

An anonymous reader, quoting from CBS News, writes "'The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million for her life care, lost earnings, and pain and suffering for the first year alone. In addition to the first year, the family will receive more than $500,000 per year to pay for Hannah's care. Those familiar with the case believe the compensation could easily amount to $20 million over the child's lifetime. ... In acknowledging Hannah's injuries, the government said vaccines aggravated an unknown mitochondrial disorder Hannah had which didn't 'cause' her autism, but 'resulted' in it. It's unknown how many other children have similar undiagnosed mitochondrial disorders. All other autism 'test cases' have been defeated at trial. Approximately 4,800 are awaiting disposition in federal vaccine court.' How did this happen when all the scientific data points otherwise?"

Comment Re:Sounds reasonable (Score 1) 830

I repeat, we do not build airplanes with flapping wings.

We do, however, build airplanes that rely on the same fundamental aerodynamics as birds. We understand aerodynamics well enough to know that lift and drag do not require wings that flap. We do not have an equivalent understanding of the brain's functionality.

Comment Re:Pleasant albeit stressful? (Score 1) 251

Things like sprinting a mile or going through a rigorous workout are also stressful, usually in a not-unpleasant manner.

Good point. I took it to mean psychologically stressful instead of physically strenuous or exertive, but they probably meant something closer to the latter.

Stress isn't always just an uncomfortable, twitchy, sweaty-palms experience, constantly being nervous about everything. Although I do suppose that could describe some sexual experiences fairly accurately.

Heheh. Do rats have proms?

Comment Pleasant albeit stressful? (Score 1) 251

To see if pleasant albeit stressful experiences could have the opposite effect, researchers studied the effects of sex in rats.

Are these rats into extreme bondage or something? "Pleasant albeit stressful" is how I might describe a satisfying occupation, not a satisfying sex life.

Comment Re:So... it is really due to CPU's? Re:Wrong tag (Score 2, Insightful) 288

How about we try an analogy that's a little closer to the original topic? Let's say the exploit injected system commands instead of SQL commands. The fault wouldn't lie with the operating system, even though that's what was ultimately compromised. It would lie with the script that failed to sanitize input properly.

Same thing with SQL. The problem isn't the query language itself. The problem is how the script executes queries.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 5, Insightful) 295

I don't think he presented it as cut and dried as you infer. According to his own account, he refused the second set of notes, not the first, and there was clearly some discussion about it.

If the client's new demands threaten to damage the project irreparably, I can understand any craftsman's desire to distance himself from it. Sometimes "Yes, but..." isn't enough. Sometimes you need to say, "This is so unfeasible that I'd rather not take any responsibility for it." Hence my ridiculous example of a papier mache watch. Even though you're giving the client exactly what he wants, the end result makes you look incompetent. You're the clockmaker, not him. You should have known better.

Granted, there's more objectivity involved in writing an entertaining screenplay than making a functioning clock, but either way, the client is totally free to do what the producers of Battlefield Earth did: ignore the craftsman's advice and let their own vision lead them to colossal failure.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 5, Interesting) 295

Isn't that precisely the process that Shapiro described? He agreed to make certain changes, refused to make changes that he considered detrimental to the story, and eventually got fired. "Artistic Purity" aside, an important part of what you buy from a craftsman is an experienced opinion. An honest clockmaker should tell a paying client that it's a bad idea to make a watch out of papier mache.

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