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Comment Re:Can you do better? (Score 4, Interesting) 231

Have you tried FastMail? We updated the web UI today to make it work more efficiently on small screens (phones and the like), and it has a fairly complete keyboard shortcut set.

Free trial, but definitely paid. You're the customer with us, not the product.

Comment Re:Tattoo Authentication Methods (Score 1) 194

"You mean those fuckers are going to require that they have my picture just so I can get a drivers license?

In case you cared, most states started to add photos to licenses in the late 60s and early 70s, finishing up in the early to mid 80s. It appears that heavy lobbying from Polaroid, which had introduced color instant photography in the mid 60s is what lead states to adopt photo licenses.

Having said that, some people were pretty pissed about the photo requirement, but I think we were less sophisticated in terms of privacy and security than we are today. Had they tried to introduce photo licenses in the 90s I think they would have had a much more difficult battle.

Comment slight amendment to the powers of the president (Score 1) 1145

Your post is true and I agree with it, with the amendment that there are times in which the president does have power, but it's unpredictable and contextual. Sometimes he has administrative power given to him by a previous Congress, and a current Congress would be too deadlocked to change his decision, or that it isn't worth the political capital used. In other situations, he may make compromises with Congress tit for tat which allows him discretion and power.

Some powers are available at some times in some situations.

Comment Re:You're fine if you don't want to leave (Score 1) 314

I can pipe in on this.

I had the highest paying job to date and 40+ in age. And then: brain tumor

Fired two days after returning home from operation, with no warning at all. In fact, was sure I would continue with company due to the lack of skilled teammates and many undocumented systems that needed cleaning up. Termination was a blow to more than my pride, literally couldn't speak for an hour.

Finding a job post this has been a world of hurt and no idea why. Age? Likely. Unwilling to move? Yes, for good reason.
Screwed? So far.

Need a linux guru, let me know. :|

Staying at a company that is loyal to you in the first place is a great choice.

Comment Re:Fiat Currency (Score 1) 692

>Consider when inflation is high (that is: when the growth in the gold supply exceeds growth of the population)

That is however the least likely scenario. Most of the time the problem with a gold standard is that the supply of gold struggles to keep up with population growth+productivity improvements and acts as an artificial tamper on the economy.

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