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Comment Re:Guess he has never heard of VPN and proxies (Score 1) 390

Well it happened to me a couple of times and it was rather annoying at that time. Not because I saw nude people, but because all the porn drowned out the stuff I was really searching for. The topic in question had a linguistic overlap though: Images from the James Bond movie Golden Eye, the tank driving scenes. In retrospect I have to admit that "bond golden eye pictures" was not a perfect start, but even with lots of additional terms and exclusion rules it was rather difficult to find what I was seeking in that huge steaming pile of nakedness and crap.
I didn't follow the naughty links though, so I don't know if it still counts.

Comment Re:Old News (Score 1) 317

I guess even the media gets bored at one point. Sure talking to people who lost most of their relatives at a wedding because of an intelligence fuckup gives lots of heart shattering footage the first couple of times, but after a while no one really cares for crying bearded guys or wrapped up woman enough to see yet another version of it. */cynical rant*
So who heard that the surviving suspect responded in writing to questions? And who heard about the 80 girls in teachers the Taliban injured with poisonous gas in their school? Or the 22 people killed and 120 injured by car bombs in Irak in the last two weeks, or ...
Whatever it is, if it happens often enough media zones out, because it's not "new(s)" anymore

Comment Re:One Suspect Dead (Score 1) 1109

I think you have forgotten quite a couple of very important factors for "weapon of choice". Especially range and self preservation. A tazer is nice if you want to disable a single person at close range. If there are several armed opponents trying to kill you, it is more or less suicide to try. One shot, limited range and you need to keep the wires connected. If someone points a gun at a police officer or a hostage, they are are free game in my eyes.

Comment Re:One Suspect Dead (Score 1) 1109

Bonus problem: while the concentration needs to be high enough to knock out quickly, it must not be to high either, or people simply stop breathing. I think the last time it was tried (a hostage situation in Moscow in 2002) it ended with almost everybody in the building (including 115 hostages) being dead. I'm not sure if they could have increased the fatality rate if they just blew up the building.

Comment Re:Good (Score 2) 429

Plea bargaining is nothing more than punishment for exercising your rights. It should be abolished entirely.

This. The whole process is very akin to extortion. That such a high percentage of cases are handled without judge and jury a shame. The legal system is broken and needs a serious overhaul.

Comment Re:BlackBerry users watch porn? (Score 1) 104

On the other hand touchscreens are a lot easier to clean and will be wiped once in a while (either by pockets, bags or once they can't be read in daylight anymore). Keyboards are bacteria's wet dream: Food crumbs, soda spills, dead skin cells, grease and sweat from your fingers all together in a nice hard to clean environment (in case of laptops they even get perfect reproduction temperature).

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