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Comment Re:No competetion for programmers workstation (Score 1) 248

errmm...can't you open a terminal, run a 'df' find what the device the iphone is being seen as and then cd, cp, mv whatever from the iphone to the apple desktop?

While it isn't as 'nice' it is certainly something that you positively *can* do on your apple laptop. I do.

errmmm... No. You can't. Only if it was so easy... sigh!! iProducts don't show up as simple filesystem mounts when connected to a Mac or Windows machine. I'm not sure what you're on about when you say "I do." If you have a jailbroken phone and have non-apple-approved software running on it... your experience is not standard. My (current) phone is *not* jailbroken and that was one of the reasons I was astonished to see how easy it still was to sync it in Ubuntu.

Comment Re:Good (Score 2, Insightful) 608

dude... if you're envious of a $50K salary.... and you really are a college grad (with a relevant degree for IT work).... you're seriously, seriously underpaid. Move to another company NOW. And if there's not another good company in your geographic region... move to a bigger market (recent college grad... should be willing and happy to move).

Comment No competetion for programmers workstation (Score 5, Interesting) 248

I use an Ubuntu (Lucid) desktop for work... customized for our organization by our IT department and fully supported. Even though I develop (server-side stuff) for the linux platform, I'd given up on using linux as my main work machine a few years ago. This was done in frustration over the amount of work I had to do to get basic features going wireless (for laptops), web videos, sound, random usb device support etc. I had gone completely over to OSX as the platform of choice. But this current iteration has completely changed my mind. No more virtual-machines-for-coding-and-real -machine-for-everything else lifestyle for me.

      Everything "just works" out of the box. Critical updates get auto-pushed (arranged by our IT... thorough our internal apt repo).... desktop/GUI behaviors etc. have been flawless... and I was able to connect my iPhone and upload all my music/photos etc. to the desktop (for more convenient headphone experience while coding). This last one is something that I positively *can not* do on my apple laptop. So in this instance, the Ubuntu desktop added value to an Apple product that another Apple product refused to do. And I was shocked to realize how plug-n-play this whole experience was (after the fact). No hacks, no "install ExperimentWare version 0.31" etc. I plugged in the phone via USB, some windows popped up to ask me what I wanted to do with the photos/music and just did what I asked. Impressive.


Comment Re:Stupid shit (Score 1) 102

Why is jquery placed in the same category as the other stupid shit (that, btw, I totally agree with). I'm not at all a UI programmer, but my understanding (from reading about this) is that jquery is a bunch of javascript UI library components that, as a bonus, frees you from the worry of handling all the various browser incompatibilities. Is there *any* javascript UI library that you would be in favor of rather than jquery ? (I really want to know... not to be confrontational).

Comment Re:A few quick points... (Score 1) 583

Approximate math:

(2^128)/(10^30) = 340282366

so we have ~ 340282366 *10^30 IPv6 addresses (theoretically... there's some fragmentation of the address space baked into ipv6 too).

  Why the units of 10^30 ? Because that's the order of magnitude answer for "What's the mass of the sun in pounds ?"

    End of the universe via thermodynamic decay is likely to precede exhaustion of ipv6 address space.

Comment Re:Good Article (Score 1) 273

How do you think it is not a substantive limitation?

My phone runs linux and is not x86 of any shape or register size, nor is my workstation, nor are many other machines I have running linux.

Because it would not be a substantive limitation for any genuine candidate for a ZFS deploy. Your phone or workstation are not those candidates... nor -- I'd be willing to bet -- are the highly unspecific "many other machines you have running linux"

Comment Right on Rob... Go go!! (Score 1) 878

... Go would be perfect if it also allowed for *some* manual memory management along with garbage collection. A large part of java's complexity that I see in big server type situations (> 8 G heap size) is that managing the gc parameters is almost a full time job. this is the theory and set of options you need to learn and internalize to get semi-satisfactory behavior from Sun's jdk1.5 gc. The complexity has only increased.... not decreased in later jdk's.

Comment Re:Plastic People of Recyclistan (Score 1) 323

As a whole yes, but there's a great deal of variety. Here in Seattle we're the only major city in the nation to actually be in compliance to the Kyoto protocol and we've made great strides at reducing the water consumption. We use less water now than we did 20 years ago, even though the population has gone up significantly since then. We also lead the nation in gas mileage.

Yes. The one thing Seattle is hurting for is water.

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