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Comment Re:Don't Upgrade, Old Farts (Score 1) 66

Let's change "cp" to now delete files, like "rm". Better yet - we'll make "cp" do either a copy or a remove - it'll be totally random! Lololololol! Why? Lol - lamer - why not?! Because cp's been working fine for decades, and that's lame! We can't stand stale old stuff that simply works, so we're gonna mash up your crusty old shit and remake it - badly - for the lulz.

Back on Earth... Do you hear how stupid that sounds? That's essentially what's happening in the Linux sphere. Kids who weren't even born when these things were designed - for a purpose - think they should just gratuitously change things because "why not?" or for street cred. Give us "old farts" something better, rather than just duplicating something, badly, that already exists, and we'll use it. We *like* technology. We *don't* like changing things "just because": it's usually a pain in the ass, and a waste of time. Some of us have real work to do on these systems, and need stability and reliability.

Comment Re:2050?? (Score 1) 123

It's an 80-20 thing: 80% of the comments - at least the ones voted up enough that I bother to read them - are from the same 20% of the crowd with relatively low UIDs. That's not prima facie conclusive, but I'd say a rigorous study would show it's pretty close. Of the newer UIDs, it seems like we see mostly spam, or bot behavior. Again, not conclusive in and of itself.

Comment Re:Interesting; just the opposite here (Score 1) 18

It was cloudy, here, as well, nicely in the path of 90+%, but I didn't particularly care. I figured if someone got a cool shot of it, the Internet would have it up in little to no time, so I didn't need to see it, personally. However, as I worked in my office, I did notice and appreciate how dark it got and quickly, and then light again. That was pretty cool.

Comment Re:Interesting; just the opposite here (Score 1) 18

I swear ever since social media evolved post 2010, everyone has gotten fucking stupid

Nah, people have always been stupid. But their reach was historically limited to friends and family; maybe the neighborhood; so-and-so would tell you about it at the corner bar, or in the grocery store. A particularly bad case of stupid might end up on the local news. Now, everyone can see all the stupid all the time. There's not more; it's just more widely broadcast.

Comment Re:Pension funds also play a role (Score 1) 231

Accidents are expensive. Best to avoid them.

Right? Which is why I really don't understand this perverse focus on the short term. Sure, you might make, say, $10 more for the quarter, but if you can avoid a) the cost of accidents, and b) make quality better so more people want to buy more of the product, don't you come out much further ahead in the long run? Not just this quarter, but the next two or three, maybe longer? Boards that focus on the short term are actually doing their shareholders a gross disservice.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 5, Insightful) 187

It's likely less nefarious than this. No one starts a race team with IT needs at the forefront of their planning. So some wrench monkey gets tagged - or gets sick of the chaos and volunteers - to keep track of "all this shit," and the least common denominator, Excel, gets pressed into service to fill a badly defined need because that's what they know, and they're not getting paid to be an IT guy. Things spiral from there.

Comment Re:extension cables? (Score 1) 85

Honestly, I'm disappointed that we don't yet have pothole sensors near the wheels of cars so that when they sense an aberration of the pavement, they lift the wheel up and over it, then put it back down, so the car doesn't feel the pothole at all. But, then, I was under the impression we'd all have air cars by now, anyway, so what do I know?

Comment Re:You can't close Pandora's Box Now (Score 1) 53

The abject irony of calling people "liberal lemmings," while dancing to Trump's tune - whatever it is, no matter how often it changes, or how opposed to reality - is astounding. It should be the focus of a psychological study on credulousness and supporting policies to the point of self-harm on a massive scale.

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