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Comment Re:5th Amendment (Score 1) 164

What would you say if you got a call from your banker tomorrow saying they lost all your money, but...

"A failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."

The difference between Megaupload and a Banker is that I can't copy my money and then use those copies elsewhere for little to no cost.

Comment Re:Voice Search (Score 1, Informative) 490

Yup. Now all the fanboys see Apple for what they are.

I just laugh at all the comments over the years. Every time Apple applies and gets a new patent, every Apple lover replies with "b-but but but they'll never use them! And they're probably doing it to protect themselves!" or some other lame excuse.

... .No they don't. That's why they're by definition, 'fanboys'. They'll claim that Samsung is infringing upon the Apple patents regardless of prior proof. We've seen Google fanboys do it all over the place whenever someone says something bad about Google or Google does something questionable. A fanboy is a fanboy.

The Internet

FTC Kills Scareware Scam That Duped Over 1M Users 329

coondoggie writes "The Federal Trade Commission today got a court to at least temporarily halt a massive 'scareware' scheme, which falsely claimed that scans had detected viruses, spyware, and pornography on consumers' computers. According to the FTC, the scheme has tricked more than one million consumers into buying computer security products such as WinFixer, WinAntivirus, DriveCleaner, ErrorSafe, and XP Antivirus. The court also froze the assets of Innovative Marketing, Inc. and ByteHosting Internet Services, LLC to preserve the possibility of providing consumers with monetary redress, the FTC stated."

Comment What About Madden? (Score -1, Interesting) 332

From the article: "At least in the short term, Madden's name will stay on the pro football game, rather than being replaced by ESPN or another brand."

I think it would be kind of silly for them to ink a deal with ESPN but not with Madden's current employer ABC. Hell, they're owned by the same parent company (Disney) and Monday Night Football (and ABC show, of course) has already dabbled in the video game market.

I'd expect it of EA to make sure that they had the rights to use of the ABC properties as well, although it will be interesting to see if they somehow incorporate ESPN Sunday Night Football into the Madden franchise.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Posting Blocked - Three Updates, Ban's Gone 1

Well, it looks like I can't post because of too many negative moderations that were done by some people who don't like what I have to say. It's been happening for a while and it finally seems that they got their way...

But we'll see if we can't get this little hitch taken care of. If this journal post is indeed successful, I'll write responses by editing this entry.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Hopefully This Title Won't Get Changed... 2

Well, turns out I ended up getting a story on the main page, entitled The Politics of the Video Game. However, that was not the one I chose for the story. The title I came up with was Are Politics in Video Games Plaguing Your Brain? The title that michael gave my article was the same as the linked article's subtitle.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Angry Mod 10

Wow, somebody's hitting up my comments. They went through certain recent posts of mine and started downmodding them on a few, using the overrated qualifier. I noticed it happening while they were working on it. It affected around three to four posts.

Well, to whomever might be doing it, have fun. Whatever floats your boat I guess.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Your $rtbl Story 5

Well, as I've been browsing around it seems that more and more people are dealing with the same situation that I am. A lot of those mods love to hammer people with opinions different than the majority with the $rtbl.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Have I Been $rtbl'd? EDIT: It Seems So... 3

Well, despite having excellent karma at the time of this post, I can't get any +1 posting bonus. Ever since I've enabled reporting of metamoderation results (not long after I was able to metamoderate), no results have been shown. I've never been able to moderate, yet I haven't been posting anywhere below neutral for quite some time.

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