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Comment Spinal cord stimulator (Score 1) 811

I have a spinal cord stimulator embedded in me and since then have only flown twice. Both times I has told to go through the scanning machine even though I have a medical can that says NOT to do that. I just turn the thing off and luckily it didn't get screwed up. I hate going through that whole mess of flying and am so happy I don't have to travel for work anymore. I can't stand the TSA. They are SERIOUSLY clueless!

Comment Re:They cancel products left and right (Score 1) 218

I actually liked Wave and am bummed to see it go. It definitely had a future but Google didn't seem to be committed to taking it any further. Imagine if they took a product like this or some of the others that had possibilities and threw more resources at it. Quite a few people are hesitant now to move into their newer products since history has shown that the majority of these products get shutdown.

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