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Comment Streisand effect? (Score 1) 470

Seems to me Texas's efforts to hinder Tesla's sales only draws more attention to the brand. If they really wanted to hurt Tesla's sales, they'd buy a fleet of them for government vehicles, then constantly show them stalled along their highways due to Teslas' lack of range and the fact that their highways are some of the longest and loneliest stretches in the country.

Comment Fuck doctors (Score 1) 415

I refuse to submit to western medicine anymore. Put lots of faith and money into it over the years, and it was a waste of both. Honestly caused more problems than it fixed. So at this point, I'd rather die on the street in front of a hospital than go in. Can fix most anything with garlic and tea, anyway.

And to make things more ironic, I'm dating a doctor. So the subject of this comment can be taken literally. ;)

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