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Comment Is this a serious question? (Score 1) 1880

Games natively on other OSes, with support for those OSes from the game companies. Not just the good games, but all of them. I shouldn't notice the difference while playing. (And, at that, no cost to switch version. I'm not buying a new copy in the new OS.)

Everything else can be the best application in its category available for the OS, so those aren't ever going to get me to switch.

Comment Why this is covered by DMCA... (Score 2) 71

Too many comments asking this to reply to them all, and I don't want to explain it more than once.

The copyrighted image was being hosted without permission on a website. In order to force the site to remove it, one must file a DMCA takedown notice. If the radio station had, for instance, copied the image and had it published in a different magazine without credit (which would not happen because the magazine would have asked for a credit to publish, but go with the example anyway...), DMCA would not apply. In short, the radio station's lawyers tried to argue that the source was not digital (a magazine), and the DMCA didn't apply. The appeals court correctly ruled that the site's use of the photo being digital, without regard to the source format, is covered by DMCA.

Comment Re:Stupidity (Score 1) 131

The truly stupid part is that for anyone to complain about this, they have to type into their browser to begin with. If you want to use another search engine, they still exist, GO TO THEM. If you use Google anyway, and search for a competing service to Google's, such as news, mail, maps, or whatever else, Google putting their own matching service at the top of the results makes it easier to ignore! The only person who could possibly be complaining is a monkey who automatically clicks on the first search result and doesn't bother checking any of the others...

Comment Re:seems simple (Score 1) 1219

...someone who read a biased article and didn't watch the video. I had the same opinion going in until I saw it - a little girl throwing a tantrum who didn't want to be touched by ANYONE until they gave her back the toy they took away to be x-rayed at the security checkpoint.

Yes, the Israelis have a better system. They rely on logic rather than "morals", and therefore have no problem profiling, like the US should still be doing in many things that it is no longer "politically correct" to do so. If you don't profile, everyone is a suspect, and that wastes a lot of damn time and pisses off a lot of people. If you profile, you get a few mouthy people with a victim mentality who embrace a culture, fashion, or attitude that matches the profile by choice, and they should generally be ignored - the trick is that you then have to let these people pass once your logic says they're not the droids you're profiling for...

Comment This reminds me of that episode of Star Trek... (Score 1) 146

(Since I was just watching the season 2 DVD again today...) Unnatural Selection, the hyper-aging virus one.

Makes me wonder about the possibility that all allergies are transmitted this way, rather than being entirely genetic. You are, after all, spending a lot of time around people to whom you are related, presumably when they are exposed to allergens. Their cells responding to the allergen may spread to you through normal exposure and contact, not entirely dissimilar to the way hormones can, and train your cells to respond similarly. This would require, of course, that the two people are predisposed to "sharing" allergen responses.

Damn, I should have gone to college for biology instead of sports commentary. You don't get to come up with fun theories like this in sports.

Comment Windows 7 was my idea. (Score 1) 931

I thought to myself, "Windows 7 should run any piece of software written for DOS, or any version of Windows 95 through Windows 7, without having to install additional software, emulators, or configure anything specific to that program... and then, it just worked!" Windows 7 was my idea.

Sadly, none of us will ever see that commercial on TV. If an OS does not run all of my software, on the same hardware, either more reliably or faster, I have NO reason to upgrade. Hell, they won't even be able to get close to "killer app" for me, as I won't even buy new consoles until I know there are more than two titles out that I am interested in. (The only time I've broken this rule with myself was for a 360, racing wheel, and Forza 2, and that's not even a fair example as I knew more titles I would play would come out for it, in addition to the incomplete backward compatibility.) Aside from a new game genre or blend of genres, it's not like they can come up with a completely novel piece of software that everyone will want to have - everything that can possibly be done already has been done and will run on XP.

Comment Re:Never heard about the complaining sites. (Score 1) 178

I Googled "comparison shopping" myself, to see if I'd heard of any of the results, as I never use third party comparison shopping - I go to retailers that I know carry the item I want, and do my own comparisons! (If I don't know a retailer that carries an item, I Google it, and generally get a company I already know, but didn't know carried the item.) For reference, I knew none of the sites mentioned in the article.

I recognize Bizrate, I would not use it. I recognize Forbes, but... they do comparison shopping?? and are to be expected, wouldn't use either of those. 20 some results down is Pricewatch, which I look at for base prices, but have never bought an item because of a listing on that site. If I were actually looking for a comparison shopping site, I would have given up at this point, and just gone back to my usual method, and having the sites mentioned in the article nearer to the top would not have gotten me to visit them, never mind use them. Maybe they should try buying some radio and TV ads and a few billboards around the US, and then complain that they still aren't getting ranked in Google in spite of their traffic. (Or... gasp and shock... PAY GOOGLE FOR AN AD!)

I guess the one site found it a better use of their money to start a non-profit that lobbies for legislating their rank in search engines rather than using it to pay for advertising. Not saying that any of this fixes his logic, but people searching for businesses of any kind in Google want the "somebodies", and you're not going to be ranking as a "nobody". Search engines aren't there to prop up your traffic, they're there for new people to find the sites that the old people are already going to.


Google Says It Mistakenly Collected Wi-Fi Data While Mapping 215

Even if Google says there's nothing to worry about, writes, the company "said it would stop collecting Wi-Fi network data from its StreetView cars, after an internal investigation it conducted found it was accidentally collecting data about websites people were visiting over the hotspots. From the WSJ article: 'It's now clear that we have been mistakenly collecting samples of payload data from open [i.e. non-password-protected] Wi-Fi networks, even though we never used that data in any Google products.'"

The Parking Meter Turns 75 Today Screenshot-sm 126

nj_peeps writes "75 years ago Carl Magee filed a patent application for what would become one of the most hated inventions in history: the parking meter. From the article: 'Magee's brainwave was to install a device that had a coin acceptor and a dial to engage a timing mechanism. A visible pointer and flag indicated the expiration of the paid period, meaning you either had to move, put in more money, or face the wrath of the local constabulary. The design continued largely unchanged for more than 40 years.'"

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