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Comment Re:Retarded (Score 2, Insightful) 874

Troll? It's a serious question. What the fuck IS this shit? And I am referring to the article.

What the fuck is next -- "Don't like contracts? Have you ink pen sign them! Simply coax your ink pen (through digital manipulation) into signing a facsimile of your name! Oh imagine the lawyers dismay!"

So seriously, what the fuck is this shit?

Comment Re:Rational (Score 1) 807

Hey, where's the roadside test for vicodin? Prescription codeine or morphine? Dextromethorphan?

I am sure they would like to have one, but I think there are two factors to consider when asking why these drugs are allowed exist without it:

1. They're not legal unless prescribed by a physician. Which makes them controlled and, in theory, harder to get. So less pill heads driving compared with drunks.

2. They have a valid medicinal use which is weighed against the risks driving while on the substance.

Anyhow, it's a real issue and I think a reliable field test would go a long way towards helping the cause.

The Internet

Craigslist Agrees With State AGs To Curb "Erotic Services" Ads 402

The New York Times reports that Craigslist has reached an agreement with 40 state attorneys general to tame its notoriously unruly "erotic services" listings. Clever diplomacy: according to the article, Craigslist "said that it will charge erotic services vendors a small fee for each ad — about $10, Mr. Buckmaster said — and require that they use a credit card for the payment. It will donate the money to charities that combat child exploitation and human trafficking. This, theoretically, will let the company confirm not just a phone number but also an identity." I hope they work on cleaning the weird spammers from the ordinary personal ads, too.

iTunes On OS X Finally Has Competition 668

mallumax writes "The truth is, iTunes is an average music player. Though the UI is simple and good like most Apple products, it has lagged in features compared to music players available on Linux and Windows. A feature as basic as monitoring a folder and adding the latest music files to the library is unavailable in iTunes. There are no plugins or themes. Despite the many faults, many of us continued to use iTunes because of the lack of options available. But today the wait is finally over. Not one, but two music players have become credible contenders. Songbird: An open source music player which has been in the works for more than 2 years has finally released its 1.0 Release Candidate builds. The team behind Songbird has members who previously developed for both Winamp and the Yahoo Music Engine. It has support for extensions and themes ('feathers' in Songbird parlance). Amarok: The undisputed champion among Linux music players is finally coming to OS X, thanks to KDE 4 being ported there. Amarok developer Leo Franchi has been able to run a Amarok on OS X natively. So we can expect a reasonably stable Amarok to hit OS X in a few months' time. Hopefully these players will gain traction among OS X users, which will finally force Apple to either step up in terms of features or open up iTunes for extensions."

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