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Comment Word wrapping (Score 2, Interesting) 367

How about adding word wrapping when displaying? My local emacs expert wasn't even able to do that, but MS Notepad can do it. It's really useful for editing latex documents where your want a paragraph on a single line (that makes it much easier to search for phrases).


Submission + - Danish firm actively employs autistic workers 1

xiox writes: A danish computer company, Specialisterne is actively employing autistic workers and now has 40 of them. The firm is planning to expand to the UK in Glasgow. The owner of the company was motivated to do this when one of his sons was diagnosed as autistic. The company provides a quiet environment and fixed routines. Given the right conditions, the staff are said to excel at technical tasks. In addition, robots and Lego models are used to test their skills.

Does the Linux Desktop Innovate Too Much? 542

jammag writes "The Linux desktop has seen major innovation of late, with KDE 4 launching new features, GNOME announcing a new desktop, and Ubuntu embarking on a redesign campaign. But Linux pundit Bruce Byfield asks, do average users really want any of these things? He points to instances of user backlash, and concludes 'Free software is still driven by developers working on what interests or concerns them. The problem is, the days when users of free software were also its developers are long gone, but the habits of those days remain. The result is that developers function far too much in isolation from their user base.' Byfield suggests that the answer could be more user testing."

Comment Re:SigmaPlot (Score 1) 66

It does do curve fitting (fitting functions to data). It doesn't do enough statistical analysis however.

You can call python code to do it, though it should have a UI for doing it.

Thanks for your comments.

Comment Get a fast lens (Score 1) 596

I got a fast lens for my Sony a200 - a Minolta 50mm f1.7. It has really improved my low light level photography as it lets much more light in than a standard zoom lens. That's the advantage of SLR - you can get a better lens to do a proper job.


UAC Whitelist Hole In Windows 7 496

David Gerard writes "Microsoft tried to make Vista secure with User Access Control (UAC). They relaxed it a bit in Windows 7 because it was such a pain in the backside. Unfortunately, one way they did this (the third way so far found around UAC in Windows 7) was to give certain Microsoft files the power to just ... bypass UAC. Even more unfortunately, one of the DLLs they whitelisted was RUNDLL32.EXE. The exploit is simply to copy (or inject) part of its own code into the memory of another running process and then telling that target process to run the code, using standard, non-privileged APIs such as WriteProcessMemory and CreateRemoteThread. Ars Technica writes up the issue, proclaiming Windows 7 UAC 'a broken mess; mend it or end it.'"

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