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Submission + - IE8 beats other browsers in laptop battery life (

WARM3CH writes: "AnandTech tested battery life of a laptop with an AMD CPU, a laptop with an Intel CPU and netbook running Internet Explorer 8, Opera 10, Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, and Chrome. Webpages were a combination of simple and flash infested ones. IE8 had the best battery life on both laptops followed by FF+adblock and Safari had the worst battery life. On the netbook Chrome was slightly ahead of IE8. The report concludes: --Overall, Internet Explorer and Firefox + AdBlock consistently place near the top, with Chrome following closely behind. Opera 10 Beta 3 didn't do as well as Opera 9.6.4, and in a couple quick tests it doesn't appear that the final release of Opera 10 changes the situation at all. Opera in general — version 9 or 10 — looks like it doesn't do as well as the other major browsers. Safari is at the back, by a large margin on all three test notebooks. We suspect that Safari 4 does better under OS X, however, so the poor Windows result probably won't matter to most Safari users.--"

Comment Re:Where's the option (Score 1) 503

I'm with you, only I read on my tablet pc. Read books in fullscreen, portrate mode, take notes by directly writing on the screen with a stylus and have a full computer resources to search the web or do tasks like music playback in the background. Now that, is reading!

Comment Re:Irex digital reader (Score 1) 503

I use my tablet pc for reading since 2 years ago. Notice that there are far more to reading using a "computer" than just displaying a document on screen. With my tablet pc I can display any document format, take note on screen with the stylus (OneNote rules!), when facing an iteresting idea check wikipedia, listen to music in the background. I can do all that in bed and no, it doen't generate too much heat and is virtully silence. The bonous is that this is my main laptop computer as well so I don't need to worry about storing documents on multiple systems and synchronizing them. Yes, it is a little bit tick but not ticker than most text books that I read on it!

Comment Lots of choices in Europe (Score 4, Insightful) 1359

My favorite list: Switzerland, Netherland, Finland, Sweden, Norway. I would love to live in Switzerland myself: I love the direct democracy there, the peaceful people and the beautiful nature and very high standard of living. Another option is to become really rich! Rich people enjoy much more freedom all over the world!

Comment Re:Why? (Score 2, Informative) 76

Oh yeah, why bother with science and adventure? In case you didn't know, this insanity runs in the Piccard family for generations.
This guy is Bertrand Piccard, is the first man to go round the globe non-stop on a balloon. His father was Jacques Piccard, the first man that used a build and used a capsule to go down the Mariana Trench, the deepest point of the world's oceans. His grandfather was Auguste Piccard, the first man to build and used a balloon to go to the stratosphere, setting a record of 23,000 m (72,177 ft). Not to mention the other branch of the family, Jean Felix Piccard, Jeannette Piccard and Don Piccard who were also famous aeronauts and balloonists.

Comment Re:So far I like it (Score 1) 310

I also liked the mouse-over preview. It is badly needed in Google. Sometimes I have to click on tens of search results in Google just to close them right away. Considering that sometimes linked websites are quite slow, this process of click, quick look, close could be very boring. The results so far are comparable to Google to me. I'm going to use it for a while to evaluate it better but so far it is promising.

Successful Launch of ESA's Herschel and Planck 121

rgarbacz writes "Today at 13:12 GMT, the ESA launched successfully new and long-awaiting spacecraft: Herschel, the infrared telescope with a 3.5m mirror, and Planck, the CMB mapper. The spacecraft were carried by the Ariane-5, which lifted off from Kourou in French Guiana. They will stay in L2 to perform the research. This launch is one of the most expensive and important missions of the European Space Agency. Planck will measure the CMB with an accuracy more than 10 times better than the previous mission, WMAP. Because of this high sensitivity, both spacecraft are cooled to temperatures close to absolute zero by on-board liquid helium; staying in L2 is very helpful to maintain this state. Both spacecraft are designed to observe the Universe at its infancy: Herschel by observing the first stars and galaxies (whichever came first), and Planck by scrutinizing the first photons that were set free, making up the cosmic microwave background radiation."

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