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Comment Re:So, the system works? (Score -1) 725

good, fuck mom and pop store owners who rape you in the ass with high prices. as long as anyone is free to open a competing store, it's fine.

all the snobby fucktards who think they are too good to shop at wal-mart can't be as clever as they think they are if they are paying more just to avoid a wal-mart.

Comment Re:Hang on... (Score -1, Flamebait) 728

if you own a business and your wealthy from it, you've already paid a shit load more in tax personally and in company tax then was needed to cover your share of social expenses like schools.

i personally pay enough income tax to cover 2 people's social security and medical annually, so anyone claiming i'm not pulling my weight can go fuck themselves.

Comment Re:But asbestos is fine! (Score -1) 168

your 1/2 right, while inhaling anything airborne isn't good for you, fibrous material such as crocidolite is exceptionally bad. a single large exposure won't usually result in cancer and there is always background levels of fibrous present naturally.

I work around the stuff all the time in my profession, and i can't help but laugh as the hysteria the media beats up about it.

Comment Re:Uh (Score -1) 725

they are UK based, why do they care about being on a US watch list? your all missing the main point there though - Assange LOVES this shit. now he gets to go on TV and claim the US government fears his awesome powers and blab about how he's the victim of some plot he invented in his own mind.

the guy had to wait 15 minutes at Australian customs once because his passport only had 6 months left on it, and he screamed to the world that he had been "detained" and intimidated.

the bottom line on wikileaks is that they release material when it's illegal to release it. all well and good i'm not judging whether they should or not, but are they so retarded that they think the US government won't take any action when he is violating the law in their country?

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