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Comment Virtual Keyboards (Score 3, Interesting) 83

I did try out the VR options when something like this was posted a few months back. The main problem for me was the keyboard wasn't visible or recognizable in VR and I need the tactile feedback because I'm touch typing. I'm not looking at the keyboard when I type so I can see when I make an error unlike virtual keyboards like on the smartphone where I have to review what I'm typing after I'm done and make a bunch of fixes to the text.

There were other possible issues such as the weight of the Oculus headset. I was limited to WiFi access as the cable couldn't be used. And the text was just slightly blurry.


Comment Re:"Just started" running (Score 2) 87

I like running but it's tough to actually complete a run nowadays. I do walk up to 10 miles a week, a bit over 3 miles on M/W/F and I'm in the mountains at 8,200' with 500' of altitude change during my walks, so I'm certainly getting some exercise :)

I will note that early last year when I started regularly walking, my right hip bothered me enough that I couldn't lift my right leg very high, couldn't remove a sock without contortions, and couldn't even cross my legs at the ankles without pain (right over left). After a few months of regular walking, I've recovered almost 100% of movement again so I do advise at least going for regular walks.


Comment Role Playing Games (Score 1) 152

* Dungeons & Dragons
* Shadowrun
* Cyberpunk Red
* Call of Cthulhu
* Paranoia
* Savage Worlds
* Hollow Earth Expedition
* Blue Planet
* Dark Heresy
* Kobolds Ate My Baby
* Dogs In the Vineyard
* All Flesh Must Be Eaten
* Feng Shui
* Cartoon Action Hour
* Macho Women With Guns
* Theatrix


Comment Re:Is it? (Score 1) 149

I never acquired the taste for coffee. Same for alcohol and tea. My dad wasn’t into sports and I never got interested. We moved a lot so perhaps not being in any one place for a length of time is part of the sports thing? (I’m 65 and have moved 49 times in my life.)

My two daughters are different in that my older one drinks alcohol and coffee. My younger one drinks fru-fru alcohol and loves football.

No idea why there’s such a difference there though. :)


Comment Band And Game Shop Owner (Score 2) 77

I have a band and soon will own a game specific store. Both have some requirements for being on social media. As a gamer, I do follow a couple of game personalities (table top, not video) but only barely and have never tweeted.


Comment Re:Good for desktop Linux users (Score 1) 48

For servers I must have a consistent build between the environments to make sure when it's time to patch production, all the updates have been thoroughly tested. I'm running a RHEL based site and have a Katello server up to manage patches. I create a content view and move that patch snapshot through the environments.


Comment Re: Maybe they made more in the 20th century becau (Score 1) 152

You could get a mini-CD with a few songs on it. I still have my Coca-Cola mini-CDs. In the past though we could buy a 45 with 2 singles on it. That was much less of an option as CDs became more popular.

I was creating mix tapes back in the 70’s and 80’s with album cuts and 45s and when CDs became more available, I’d create a mix playlist and burn CDs. Once I could actually create a playlist, it was all on a digital device like an iPod.


Comment My Naps At 65 (Score 1) 49

I've been napping a bit more over the past few years. Most of the time it's a 15 or 20 minute nap but I set an alarm on my phone or tablet for 30 minutes because I'll occasionally be pretty tired. And a vast majority of the time I'll wake up in 15 or 20 minutes. Once in a while at almost 30 minutes or am wakened at 30 minutes by the alarm. And seldom, I'll "snooze" for another 30 minutes.

I do get about 7 hours of sleep each night, 10pm to around 5am depending on when the cats decide to try and wake me up. It's a bit harder when we hit standard time and the cats keep trying at 4am instead of 5am :)


Comment Other Things To Think About (Score 1) 239

My wife and I were investigating buying a house that was off the grid here in Colorado. My finance person was having an extremely difficult time finding a lender that would loan us the money, to the point that we decided to decline to continue with the purchase. The sellers had the house on the market since last January and I checked not long ago and it's still on the market.


Comment No Desk (Score 1) 122

I started at this company during COVID and no desk has been assigned. As far as I'm concerned, since the team is spread around the US, there's no good reason to go in to the office. Boss is in Canada/Arizona, dev team is in Chicago, Texas, and Seattle, QA team is in South Carolina and India. My coworker and I are the only ones near the office.


Comment Well yea (Score 1) 60

At the last place I was at, they were doing quarterly layoffs (for the past 4 years before I left 16 months back). If you watched your paystub in the app, you could tell if you were being let go a day or two before they let you go if you all of a sudden had an increase outside a normal payday.


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