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Comment Re:Extortion (Score 1) 619

There are paywalled sites that seem to be doing well enough. If your site is worth something, why not charge for access? If it's worth something to me, something more than a free site that I can adblock, then I'll pay for access. I've done it in the past.

Until accessing your ad infested site (and I use 'infested' on purpose) guarantees I won't get some malware or other drive by load of poo, I will block ads.


Comment Something Else (Score 1) 227

Probably coding something, playing guitar, or cooking steaks depending on when the game is on and where I am at the time. My girlfriend does pay attention to some football. She's from Philly so occasionally wants to know how her team is doing. She may have the game on.

And it's not 'cultivated disinterest'. I didn't grow up with sports interest in the house so I didn't have to cultivate it. I'm simply not interested. I know how it's played, I know where most teams are located, I even know who some of the players are. I have a TV but pretty much only watch DVDs. I do like MotoGP but not much beyond reading about it and catching the occasional show. You can get a lot of the same "social aspect" by watch TV shows like Walking Dead, Arrow, Flash, True Blood, Twilight. It depends on what part of the social contract you're trying to fulfill. As a pretty heavily leaning Introvert, even going to a bar with my friends for an hour or so gives me a headache.


Comment Re:Blame politics (Score 1) 514

Well sure. But when it costs money, sometimes lots of money to read a Scientific Study, the folks who interpret it can spin it any way they want to satisfy their agenda. Most folks don't have several hundred dollars to spread around reading Scientific Studies and get their stuff from the media.

And yes, I've read many media type articles on one subject or another and tried to follow the trail back only to be blocked by a paywall. My only recourse other than spending the money is to read from multiple sources to try and get a balanced view of the study.


Comment Re:Salary versus cost of living in each city (Score 2) 136

I think that a QOL calculator might be pretty difficult. Something you find enhances the area, such as water skiing, might not be appealing at all to someone like me who doesn't much like the left or right coast (oceans) and water skiing in general. I grew up in California and lived in Virginia for 30+ years. I'm quite happy living in Colorado. The roads are much quieter, I ride a motorcycle so the mountains are great fun, I love to hike, snowshoe, and snow ski so being close to the Rockies and several ski resorts is perfect. So my QOL would be pretty reduced by moving to Chicago :)


Comment Re:There's already high unemployment (Score 1) 479

Well, with 70% of divorces filed by women and who knows how many filed by men because women left (my own two divorces were filed by me but my wives were the ones who wanted the divorce), is it any wonder more women are heads of households?


Plus with the divorces, men need the jobs in order to continue to pay child support and alimony. So technically men are still supporting the family but not a part of the family any more.


Comment Re:Don't Watch TV (Score 1) 148

Sure. I find I'm more interested in other things and basically have no time to turn on the TV and sit and watch it. Since I have a hard time with keeping up on regular schedules, I tend to be doing something else I want to do when whatever show I might be interested in is on. If it's a good enough show per my friends, I might pick up the DVDs and watch them though, like the Walking Dead which I enjoy. On DVD :)


Comment Re:Don't Watch TV (Score 1) 148

Actually I clicked on Walking Dead since I do buy the DVDs and watch them.

I rented the Heroes first season because of a friend's recommendation and enjoyed it enough to try and watch the second season on TV but the constant commercials were so annoying I stopped.

I do have a problem maintaining a schedule though. The only reason I caught some shows was because my ex would watch them. When her gone, I can't be bothered to remember when a show is on and I'd miss it. After missing a few, I simply stopped trying to remember when a show was on and stopped turning on the TV. The ones I liked because of catching an episode here or there are the ones I just picked up the DVD for like Breaking Bad or Walking Dead.

None of this is meant to be smug or a 'hipster'. I just happen to have other things I like to do and can't be bothered to muck with a DVR or remember when some show or another is on.


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