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Comment Re:This is good (Score 1) 398

This was on Canyon just past the legal center and coming around the curve towards Broadway. There were no obvious signs and no indication of a police officer. I was tagged at 5 over and since I ride a motorcycle, I am very cautious, proactive, and aware of my surroundings. It is four lane with an island and I was in the left lane. I was next to an SUV and had scooted ahead of it briefly to be out of blind spots and visible to other turning traffic, and then slowed back down to the posted speed (35 I think, maybe 30). The camera took the pic from the right side so maybe he was parked in the Library parking lot.

And yea, there is a sign upon entering Boulder. As I recall, it's fairly small and under or grouped with several other signs as you come around the curve and the road splits into 4 lanes.

I honestly don't ride fast in town (ticket proving otherwise of course) and am generally very cautious and moderate in my riding. In 128,000 miles on my bike, I've only been pulled over twice. 57 in a 55 down in Arizona (warning) and passing on a double yellow near County Line and 7 by a Boulder County Sheriff (verbal warning).


Comment Re:It's always been a myth (Score 1) 239

My girlfriend is a gamer; video type. She's done some casual social gaming but since we started dating last year, she's gotten into more complicated resource type games and role playing (she's playing an Indian in the Deadlands Reloaded game I referee).

So still 50/50 but with 6 data points :)


Comment Re:More feminist FUD (Score 1) 239

Depends on the game I guess. I avoid the mindless Tetris and Candy Crush things but play Carmageddon, Risk, Ticket to Ride, and Small World on my Tablet and Phone. I have Doom and Wolfenstein 3D on the phone but the update to the iPhone 5 broke the controls :(


Comment Re:Anonymity == being a schmuck for a good number. (Score 1) 728

Maybe that's the difference. I ignore trolls and will even leave a thread on a forum once it starts getting too weird. Are women escalating by responding, being too defensive? It's not hard to spin up some folks. Just mention any MRA type of comment and some women will step up and respond. Depending on how far you want to troll women, you can really get them going. It can work for me too. Posting inaccurate information will likely get a response from my trying to correct it. That's the thread weirdness I mentioned above. At a certain point, sometimes quickly, it'll get too trollish/weird and I'll ignore it and back off/out.


Comment Re: Mint (Score 1) 303

The problem is we have a mixed environment of Solaris, HP-UX, and even Tru64. Red Hat is newer. So we needed to use a Linux that worked with the existing infrastructure. Our software already worked with the main two we were using and even had a client for Tru64. When investigating possible Linux platforms we wanted OpenBSD first (I know, not linux but the Unix team is a fan) but no support. But of course we had to check the compatibilities of each of the agents we were using at the time. All worked with RHEL. That limits our choices quite a bit. :) Now it's momentum. We have 1,100 systems of which about half are RHEL and some CentOS. Even if the agents started being compatible across the board, we don't have the manpower to start support an even more diverse environment.


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