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Comment Re:Guess LIGO failed too many times (Score -1, Troll) 190

This is precisely this type of condescending, we-are-am-smater-than-you attitude that turns people off on science and scientists. Maybe physicists should concentrate on the foundational issues (e.g., the true nature of motion) first before they go chasing after gravity waves. You folks are not as smart as you think you are.

Did you know that over 90% of physicists believe that matter can move in spacetime even though it is known that spacetime is frozen from the infinite past to the infinite future? Did you know that physicists have no clue as to what keeps a moving particle in motion? Did you know that most physicists believe that moving bodies remain in motion for no reason at all, as if by magic?

My own research, based on the application of the principle of causality to motion, has led me to conclude that we are swimming in a enormous sea of energetic particles. Having a correct causal model of motion will unleash an age of free energy and extremely fast transportation.

The Problem With Motion

Comment Just Stop! (Score -1, Flamebait) 899

You want science to be popular? Just stop the elitist condescension and admit that you don't know it all and that you (especially, the more famous scientists) may be wrong about many things. The public has the right to mistrust scientists just as much as the religious leaders. We don't like to be preached to from on high. We want respect.

As an example, if you ask a physicist to explain why two particles in relative motion remain in motion, you come face to face with bullshit and ignorance. One may tell you that nothing is needed (the magical unseen cosmic hand) while the other may insist that physics is not about the why but the how of things. To a thinking layperson, both answers are pathetically wrong. Learn about why an analysis of the causality of motion leads to the conclusion that we are swimming in an immense sea of energetic particles.

Physics: The Problem With Motion


Submission + - Armadillo Aerospace Claim Level 2 NGLLC Prize (spacefellowship.com)

Dagondanum writes: "Armadillo Aerospace have officially won the 2009 Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander Challenge Level 2, on a rainy day at Caddo Mills, Texas. Reports came in from various locations during the day and spectators posted videos and images using social networking tools such as Twitter. The Space Fellowship earlier reporting that the team were getting ready to fly. Level 2 requires the rocket to fly for 180 seconds before landing precisely on a simulated lunar surface constructed with craters and boulders. The minimum flight times are calculated so that the Level 2 mission closely simulates the power needed to perform a real descent from lunar orbit down to the surface of the Moon. First place is a prize of $1 million while second is $500,000."

Comment Ok. I Got a Theory (Score 1) 107

My theory is that some Mexican or Columbian drug cartel needed a safe way to retrieve bundles of dope dropped off the coast of Florida and floating right below the surface of the water. What (who?) would be better suited for the job than Waldo? I'm sure Waldo is sporting a new black coating by now.

Submarine folks should know better than naming their craft any name other than Nemo. Serves them right. Besides, Waldo is probably a code name for a cocaine mule in that part of the country.

It just goes to show ya. If it's not one thing, it's another.


Submission + - Parallel Computing: Why Future Is Compositional (blogspot.com)

Louis Savain writes: "Excerpts from article:

"There is a way to define, organize and use software objects that will transform computer programming from the complex unprincipled mess that it currently is into an orderly, easy to use and pristine compositional paradise."

"The computer revolution will not come of age until we are all computer programmers by default, whether we know it or not. This will not happen until software construction becomes strictly compositional in nature."

"Every computer application (or sub-component) will be organized like a tree and will be a branch in the universal tree of all applications.""

Comment Re:Good Points But... (Score 1) 207

Doctors should try their own medicine, IMO. I dismiss those who dismiss me. That is all.

I'm just an idea man. If my ideas are good, others will act on them and they do. There are several people working on implementing their own a COSA interpreters and associated user interfaces. Currently, I don't have the time to develop code. Besides, I am really interested in the hardware aspect of the model.

Also, it is not as if I am twisting anybody's arm to read my stuff. My motto is, love it or leave it.

Comment Re:Good Points But... (Score 1) 207

Compared to how easy it could be if it were done right? Yes. At any rate, since you are so happy with yourself, I won't feel sorry for you when you'll lose your programming job five or ten years from now, just because your services are no longer needed. By anybody.

Comment Good Points But... (Score 1) 207

I see your points but I think you should read Parallel Computing: Why the Future is Compositional... and hierarchical... and non-algorithmic... and deterministic... etc.

And while you're at it, you might as well read How to Solve the Parallel Programming Crisis. Without multithreading, of course, since multithreading is the biggest and most hideous abomination of them all.

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Mystics always hope that science will some day overtake them. -- Booth Tarkington
