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Comment Re:Overengineered for it's eventual use.. (Score 2) 125

It isn't that hard.... there are plenty of low hanging fruit - the classic easy case is the NOPs that are used to align jump destinations. Just find :

and replace it with


You could even patch the PC relative offset if you wanted to...

Comment Overengineered for it's eventual use.. (Score 2) 125

Why bother with this at the compiler level?

Just find 10,000 instruciton pairs that can be reordered as they have no interdependancies, and reorder each of the pairs at random during the install phase. That gives you 2^10,000 unique executibles, but all the debugging symbols and so on will remain the same.

I guess that doesn't help you against stack-smashing and so on. But will allow you to fingerprint who leaked your binary onto bittorrent - which would be its eventual use.

Comment My concern is far less esoteric (Score 4, Interesting) 255

If self-driving cars ceed control back to the real driver when things get "interesting", without all the conditiioning that driving countless kilometers will the driver still be able to react competently? Or will it be like throwing inexperenced learner-drivers into the deep end?

Driving is a skill, and like any skill it needs to be practiced often to stop going rusty...

Comment But you already can get good cheap phones... (Score 3, Interesting) 234

... it is just that the phone networks don't want you to have them.

I have a 5", quad core, 2GB RAM, 32GB Flash smart phone from Chinavasion. It is much like a Samsung S4, and cost US$250. Unlocked as a standard feature, and with dual SIM, Took five days to from order to doorstep. Plugged in my work SIM and my own SIM and gave back a my work's S3.

A cheap 4" can be had for under $70.

Comment A single data-point (Score 1) 355

Due to a genetic condition my 7 y.o. son has severe motor skills issues (unable to stand, or hold a paint brush or pencil), He also has profound intellectual disabilities, and is unable to speak. He can however get around his iPad like the best of them - browsing Elmo songs on his youTube favorites, watching home videos, playing "Old MacDonald" and ordering his favourite snacks for morning tea using assisted communication apps. The benefits of this technology for him and others with special needs amazing!

However, even though he can't use a fork or knife, he can still stack MegaBlocks and Duplo... but only because we invest our time by playing with him and supporting him..

Comment Earthquake resistant buildings (Score 1) 101

It doesn't mean what you think- oo practical building can resist all earthquakes. The building standards are more about if a large earthquake occurs the building damage should be it limited to a small area. And it isn't about having a usable building after a quake - it is about not killing the people inside or around it.

Speaking from experience, just because a building stands up during a quake it doesn't mean that the building won't be structurally broken and require significant repairs or replacement before it can be used. The energy has to go somewhere!

Comment It is all signed integers. (Score 1) 745

I have often though about the universe being created from a simulation that is based on twos complement signed integers. At the start they are all assigned completely random bits.

During the initial damping down of the system to a steady state, there will be a little excess of negative numbers, as the mean of random n-bit number is always -0.5 (e.g. the range for 8-bit numbers is -128 to 127), and these is what are interact for the rest of the simulation..

It makes as much sense to me as any other theory of the origins of the big bang....

Comment Re:Similar language, describing different things (Score 1) 240

I'll pass on that - the reply was to the question "Please demonstrate a basic sorting algorithm that a non-programmer can understand that doesn't perform terribly on large lists". Job done, I'm moving on.

But I agree, if any area of expertise didn't require a lot of learning to understand, then it would no longer be an area of expertise as most people could do it!

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