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Comment Re:tivo premier blows them both away (Score 1) 403

Nothing works except trick play without a subscription. Without a sub there is no Netflix, program guide, season passes, MRV, or any other feature on the device. You "received lifetime service" because you paid for it. This is still a cost.

I said you need an AppleTV instead of a TiVo. You only brought up the Mac mini later.

Seriously, what is your problem?

Comment Re:tivo premier blows them both away (Score 1) 403

The TiVo Premiere is a fine device, but it will not work with "any external hard drive" and won't play any iTunes content with DRM. You have a to use a TiVo-approved specific (over-priced) external drive. You also have to pay a monthly fee. If you want to play iTunes content downloaded from Apple, you need an AppleTV. The devices' abilities only really overlap on Netflix playback, where the TiVo interface is really outdated, compared to almost any other platform (Apple, Roku, PS3, Wii, etc.)

Comment Website Design for Crazy People (Score 5, Insightful) 1027

Why do the websites of lunatics always seem to be based on the same template from some horribly awful site made for Mosaic in 1995? Does crazy dictate design? Or does each wackjob just copy the code from the previous wackjob? Or maybe these sites are all made by the same escapee from the insane asylum? Maybe they are still in the asylum, and the computer in there is running Windows 3 on a dialup modem?

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 2, Informative) 513

It's not a minute or two at 2:30. The school zones here run from 2:30-4:30. Do the kids take two hours to cross the street? It's ridiculous. And I can kind of understand the school zone in front of the elementary school, but the other one that's apparently near some high school, which is too far off the main road to even see, where I've never seen one kid EVER, even though I've been through there at all times of the day, is just a stupid money generator for the city. There's always at least 4 cop cars there after 2:30. Why aren't they there the rest of the day? Instead of paying four "Dallas constables" or whatever their silly title is, why not just use the wasted $160k/yr and build a bridge across the street? They don't seem to have any other purpose. I've never seen a "constable" doing anything but sitting in a school zone. As for the cameras, further up on my drive home they have a couple of red-light cameras. They cause the same brake-slamming. And the silly thing doesn't even take pictures from the front, so they can't prove who was driving the car anyway. How about they go arrest the assholes who can't seem to figure out how to drive in one lane, or who drive 90 on the freeway, or who think you're supposed to stop 300 feet from the red light and then inch up 6 inches at a time, only to stop 3 feet past the line, blocking the crosswalk?

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