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Comment Re:Suicide? (Score 1) 1343

I grew up with loaded guns all over the house. I don't think I was ever more than 20 feet away from a loaded firearm as a child. I also had a bunch of toy guns of my own. But I knew which guns were mine and which ones were my dads.

However, a 3 year old may not be able to make that distinction yet, and so should not be running around un-supervised around loaded guns. I absolutely agree there. The solution is not to change the way that the guns are handled, it's to change the way the kid is supervised. Letting your 3 year old run around unsupervised is negligent. Doing so with a loaded gun within reaching distance of the kid is criminally negligent.

I would suggest that any other children be removed from the home and the parent at the very LEAST be sentenced to some parenting classes, and some gun safety classes, and some community service. I don't believe jail time would be an effective method of dealing with this issue though. It doesn't do anything to educate him, and he's unlikely to be sprinkling guns around random places so he's not a threat to the public.

Comment Re:Riddle me this (Score 1) 766

One of the underpinnings of a free market is an informed population. Being informed is the first step.
The second free market issue here is that government regulation is what allows Monsanto to strong arm all of the other farmers and dominate the market.
In a free market system of informed consumers the situation should end up with multiple companies genetically modifying the corn which is used in the market and competing to sell it to the companies which process it. If people demand a safer genetically modified corn, they will get it. If they demand the cheapest possible corn, they'll get that. Those two might not be the same thing though.
In a scenario like that there is actually an industry available for people testing and rating genetically modified corn. A company might start that tests the corn of several companies that make it, all of whom pay for the privilege, and then rates them based on various criteria. Consumers could then avoid food which contains products from unrated companies at the very least.
The free market DOES have a solution for this kind of thing, but it requires that the government not protect large companies and in fact actively work to make their business transparent to the people.

Comment Re:Love the space program (Score 5, Insightful) 152

Are you serious? This is what you're bringing to the table? We already disrupt local economies and destroy the livelihoods of local farmers with the amount of food relief we drop into areas. The US spends more money on foreign aid than any other developed nation. We POUR food into the third world and their fucked up governments let the civilians starve while they feed their military and trade the food to other warlords for guns.

So take that bullshit and try to sell it elsewhere jackass.

Comment Re:Paid off the house (Score 1) 582

I work full time, my fiance goes to nursing school, we both ride horses, she works at the horse barn, I have Jiujitsu training and competitions, plus my weightlifting and other workout times. We own 4 dogs and 2 horses that we have to take care of as well as house maintenance, car maintenace, etc... etc...
We eat very well, and very healthily, and very inexpensively generally speaking.
The key is to prepare and preserve large meals. Things like spaghetti, chili, shepherds pie, ratatoulli, curry, or even baking 6-8 chicken breasts at once and then freezing them for later re-heating. We package the stuff out into Tupperware containers and when it's food time we just grab one and heat it up. If you have a chest freezer you can spend one weekend making 3-4 different large dishes like that, packaging them all up into tupperware, labeling them, and them putting them in the deep freeze.
Now you have a large variety of good, home made, meals that are ready to eat in just a few minutes. It takes one or two days a month to prepare enough food for everyone. Unless you have like *5* kids, but in that case you're poor because you made bad choices and you'll just have to live with that.
Otherwise you're just being lazy and choosing not to prepare things in advance.

Seriously, how long does it take to eat out? You drive somewhere, 10 minutes, if it's fast food you wait in line for 5 minutes, you eat, 20 minutes, you drive home, 10 minutes. That's 45 minutes. You tell me you have no idea how to cook a decent meal in 45 minutes? Buy a cookbook.

Comment Re:Does your company lose 10% to IT failure? (Score 4, Insightful) 242

We see this in our clients relatively frequently. Primarily because small to medium sized businesses are some how allergic to backups. No matter how hard we push for them to actually spend money on a backup system that is appropriate to the size of their business a lot of them end up cheaping out on either no backup, or a backup that isn't the right fit for them.
The resulting failure a year or two down the line can cost then a huge piece of their annual revenue.

Other places we see this are when clients try to put their own (Windows) servers in and screw something up that requires the OS to be reinstalled to undo.
In my experience a lot of these "IT Failures" are actually management/client/accounting failures that happen to overlap the IT spectrum. If you can't get the proper budget to do your job, that's an accounting failure that shows up in your area. If management refuses to abide by their own usage guidelines on the network and constantly are passing around infected files that's going to increase your infection rate. And if a client adamantly refuses to change their tapes then when they have a flood in their server room and it gets toasted that's going to translate into longer recovery times, longer down time, and lost revenue.

Comment Re:Missing reference (Score 1) 1255

It makes me think that FOSS doesn't pay as well as proprietary development and so attracts a larger "hobbyist" crowd that women are not as often hobbyist programmers as men. Quite likely due to the whole introverted programmer nerd paradigm being so firmly entrenched in the masculine gender.
You will rarely find women who were totally unable to form solid social bonds with their peers in their teenage yeers.

Comment Re:Like I said. 0.1% of the comments. (Score 1) 1255

Why would I apologize for something that someone else has done? It wasn't my idea, I didn't encourage them to do it, nor was I aware of their intentions beforehand. So what do I have to apologize for? I had nothing to do with the situation.
Should I also be roaming the streets apologizing randomly to people for things which may have been done to them by other people with whom I am not associated?

Now, to get to the real point of this response: Life is -ist. It's Racist, it's Sexist, it's Ageist. Wherever there is a group of people with similar traits they will make jokes about groups that don't share those traits. As one of the technology elites have you never made a joke about someones lack of technical competence? Equality includes the right to be ridiculed equally. Amongst my rather diverse circle of friends which includes folk of both genders, various ethnicity's and assorted sexual preferences jokes regarding sexuality, ethnicity, gender, genealogy, personal grooming habits, etc... etc... are standard fare. When a new person is introduced to the group that person doesn't get special treatment. They receive their fair measure of harassment. It's part of our cohesion as a group.

So far no one has been able to show that any kind of sexist behavior is systemic within the community, so what we really have are a select few incidents which are being latched onto as representative of the community when they manifestly are not.

As for western culture and sexist jokes, all cultures have gender derogatory jokes regarding both sexes. Western culture is no exception. There are entire libraries of jokes about how incompetent men are as well as women. There are legions of jokes about sex which show both men and women in the role of the buffoon.

There are indeed real issues of sexism alive in the world, this is not one of them.

Comment Re:CrossFit (Score 1) 865

When I did crossfit I actually found that the WotD almost always required either somewhere you could run a good distance, or free weights to be available in some for or other. I actually found it to be MORE equipment intensive than something like Starting Strength or HIIT based body weight exercises..
I liked it, but eventually had to quit because I didn't have enough equipment to really do it properly.

Comment Re:You're full of crap, and here is why: (Score 1) 865

You're an idiot. Not all fat is bad.
In fact, fat is a necessary part of your diet and a single apple and a handful of nuts after exercise is not going to result in too much fat in your diet. I'm a lot more intimately familiar with the practical side of nutrition than you are clearly.

Weight loss is caused by Calories Burned > Calories Consumed. That's the only safe way to lose weight. And it's only safe if Calories Consumed is larger than the amount that triggers ketosis. If you drop all of the fat out of the diet you'll lose muscle mass, your resting calorie burn will decrease, and you will be less healthy. If you keep a reasonable percentage of fat in your diet along with carbohydrates and proteins and maintain a calorie burn higher than your intake you will lose weight.

HOWEVER the original question wasn't about losing weight necessarily. It was about exercising and being in shape on a low time budget. Cutting fat down to 20g/day is going to do nothing good for anyone trying to exercise except make them feel sluggish and tired.

My advice will result in a healthy, fit person. Your advice is stupid and unhealthy. But might result in a "Skinnier" person.

Comment Don't Listen to Anyone Else on this Thread (Score 3, Insightful) 865

Most of them are going to give you advice you can't implement. I understand where you're coming from and I can actually help you as long as you don't mind the possibility of looking slightly foolish at work.

You work 12 hours a day. I know that you aren't continuously engaged in productive work. No one is. So start there. Every 3 hours take a 15 minute break and do the following:

Set a timer for 5 minutes then do:
100x Jumping Jacks
50x Pushups
50x Bodyweight Squats
50x Leg Raises
50x Crunches,
50x Russian twists (Russian twist is going halfway up in a crunch, then turning left to right, each direction is one)

When you first start out you will probably not finish this in 5 minutes. It doesn't matter. Stop at 5 minutes. Go get some water, walk around for 5 minutes and catch your breath.
Now go eat an apple and a handful of peanuts or sunflower seeds or some other healthy snack.

When you eat lunch eat a sandwhich, or a big salad, or a chicken breast, not a bigmac or a whole cheese pizza. Keep a GENERAL IDEA of how many calories you are eatting and keep it somewhere in the 1600-1700 range. You don't have to be precise here, just don't knock down the Triple Whopper and you should be ok.

Do NOT drink sodas. You drink WATER. Nothing else. Vitamin Water or Life Water is acceptable, Powerade and Gatorade are not.

Coffee is acceptable, but not recommended.

Eat every 3 hours, a smallish meal, approximately 6 times a day. Your target is an average of 300 calories per meal, but it's flexible.

And if you want to know what makes me qualified to give this advice and why you should listen to me:

Comment More worried about SPAM (Score 4, Interesting) 150

Of the 63 MILLION emails we've processed for our clients (About 60 companies run through our spam filter) 58 million of them are blocked as SPAM.
So only 1/12th of the email traffic we see is legit. One of our clients has its own spam filter because they process that much email all by themselves and they have closer to a 1/20 legit traffic.
SPAM is a bigger threat to the network than some hypothetical cyber-terrorist.

Comment RIP OFF! (Score 1) 891

I have a Honda CRX, it gets 40-50 MPG. So instead of paying 18 cents per 50 miles, I'm now paying 50-100 cents per 50 miles. Even my Nissan NX 2000 gets 35mpg, doubling the amount of tax I pay per gallon of gas. This is only revenue neutral if your vehicle gets 18mpg. People with more fuel efficient vehicles are paying a larger tax with this plan.

Screw that.

Comment Re:Sigh. (Score 1) 376

This legislation also affects people like my parents who own goats, rabbits, and pigs, who do not sell them commercially. They would be required at great expense to microchip and track these animals as they travel all of 100 feet from the pen to the dinner table. It's a senseless burden on small farms that provides the illusion of accountability more than the reality.

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