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Comment Re:Great! Competition FTW! (Score 1) 113

Teams is actually pretty nice for me. It's different than just a chat app. It is a great tool for collaboration. I am currently trying it out for a few projects where I have to work with a few different people and am loving it. I like being able to assign ToDo lists, integration with OneNote (which everyone on my team uses) and of course the Microsoft Office integration. Combine that with audio/video meetings and screen sharing and it pretty much solved all of our issues with missing software.

So for example we had a kickoff meeting for a project we are working on for a client. I take notes with the OneNote component and everyone on my Team can see it right away. Then someone on my team can start a conversation based on the notes. Maybe I missed something or they need something clarified. We requested some docs from the client. I can upload them into Teams for everyone to access. I also needed to create some procedural documents. I can do that right from within teams or launch Word externally to do it. I could split up the workload and create separate tasks or lists for people on my team to tackle. I just started using it and have only scratched the service but it is exactly what I was looking for. We were doing most of this stuff already but with disparate software and no easy way to correlate all the necessary documents and information to its own channel.

Comment Much ado about nothing (Score 1, Flamebait) 454

Again. This is nothing. She and her aides WERE the State Department at the time. Of course her input was needed. It's amazing how people make so much about boring everyday shit with the Hillary but completely ignore the horrible or completely stupid things every other Presidential candidate has said. She gets shit on for doing her job, or being a politician, or being upset she was cheated on. All normal shit. None of the other candidates know shit about foreign policy in a very delicate time internationally. Trump is a narcissistic sexual assault machine who makes the average bro blush. Johnson is an airhead that looks like a deer in headlights whenever he is interviewed. Jill Stein is an anti-vaxxer, need I say more? How is this even a decision to be made? One person running for President is qualified. I'm sorry you don't lover her but the others are just a complete disaster.

Comment Re:Fuck Off McAfee! (Score 1) 149

You conveniently left out how he plans to:

1. Take power away from and even punish the free press.
2. Allow more countries to have nuclear weapons
3. Cede Eastern Europe to Russia
4. Punish women for having abortions
5. Contest the election when he loses
6. Try to force our ally to fund building a ridiculous wall between our countries

No one who reads Slashdot should be supporting Trump. This is news for nerds, not news for rubes.

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