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Comment They asked the wrong question (Score 1) 849

The question they asked was "Which sounds better, channel A or B?" whereas the question to be asked is:

"The original is channel C. Which sounds more like the original, channel A or channel B?"

Asking the first question, your subject will pick the track with the higher 'loudness' (a bit of bass/treble boost) almost invariably.

The latter question is the correct one, as the whole point of recording music is to make it sound like you're actually there in the room with the musicians.

Comment Does depth count? (Score 1) 628

Though there are 3 monitors for 5 PCs, my wife tends to use only one - the 19" CRT - and then use remote desktop for the others, and for servers far far away.

She often has a remote desktop in a remote desktop in a remote desktop session, it's quite funny to see those little information bars at the top of the screen sliding over each other until she's got the right one.

Oh, the joys of being married.

Comment Re: cashier cannot distinguish between the types (Score 1) 475

I guess the cashier cannot distinguish between the types because they're... indistinguishable?

I always wondered, why don't they just sell the "standard" ones and just put a collection box for the unfair traded farmers near the cashier?

And, uh, if there are "organic" as opposed to "standard" bananas, i wonder what the "standard" ones are made of. Even plastic is organic...

I know how to spell banananananas, i just don't know when to stop.

Comment Re:What!? (Score 1) 658

You're also clear in the patent area. As an individual, you cannot infringe on patents. You're allowed to go to the patent office and build whatever is described there. You're not allowed to distribute such device - then you are no longer an individual.

In software terms, you may compile and use LAME for encoding MP3s at home, but you're not allowed to distribute the compiled result.

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