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Comment So where's the western equivalent of this? (Score 1) 260

You do know Chinese parents now buy foreign milk for their babies, even 5 years after the scandal? Milk import is so high the Chinese custom has special rules for them. Looks like the government of your Megacorporate States of America and industrialist overlords did a much better job than the murderous Chinese government and its corporations (You do know the government owns the corporation producing the melamine milk, right?)

Comment Nobody can tell bigger lies than communist China (Score 2) 330

They killed millions of their own people and get away with it, comparing to them NSA is just child's play. So NSA lied to congress, at least the US has a congress which can catch NSA lying, there's an oath which NSA is supposed to be following. There's no such thing in China, the party determines everything, and if you don't agree with the party, it's the labor camps for you.

Comment No, it's not over (Score 3, Interesting) 99

1. People like you thought airplane or moon landing are unrealistic and unfeasible, but they're wrong
2. Just because there's no technology to do it now, doesn't mean there won't be technology to do it in the foreseeable future. This is what PR is doing, developing the technology.
3. And who says the developed technology won't be used on earth too, it can benefit both earth based mining and asteroid mining. The material from asteroid is not meant for Earth anyway.
4. The extraordinary claim is not we'll be mining asteroid, it's the claim that "It's over, and we're going nowhere"
5. Space may be dead for you, but the kickstarter campaign proves it lives on in many people's hearts, so go ahead and drown in self-pity, we got asteroids to mine.

Comment This just proves Snowden is working for red China (Score 1, Troll) 330

You can argue that exposing NSA's domestic spying operation is for the good of US people, but exposing hacking of a Chinese university serves no US interests whatsoever, it only gives China the moral high ground to continue its cyber attack against the US. If this is not planned by the central committee of the communist party, I don't know what is.

Comment That's stupid (Score 1) 559

Your website can be accessed by any country in the world, are you going to study every country's laws and comply with them? The lawyer fee alone would make any web venture unthinkable. To define operating by not blocking is stupid beyond belief, by this definition all US websites are operating in North Korea, Iran and China, what do you do when these government asks for your logs, source code and data according to their "laws"?

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