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Comment Re:this thing, motorcycles, and safety (Score 4, Insightful) 453

Why is it that you "people" have to always dig for something to criticize in an American's post? Where did he EVER mention a monster truck? Where did he EVER get close to talking about large vehicles? He mentions a MOTORCYCLE.

Either I got trolled, or you are just looking for the situation where you can make yourself feel good by bashing Americans.

And for a post with two simple rhetorical questions to get +5 Insightful... What the fuck is wrong with the mods?

Comment Re:what is the big deal? (Score 1) 847

Is "natural selection" even happening anymore in humans? When we were living in caves, and a baby was born with a major physical or mental defect, that baby was not able, or even permitted, to survive. Now, due to our increased technology and compassion, we can and will keep almost any baby alive by almost any means. Not that that is a bad thing, but i am stressing that there is no real natural selection happening in humans anymore. You have people with down syndrome and mental illnesses procreating all the time, which would not have happened under the natural selective process of old. With society's lack of morals and good judgement, I would say that a LOT of people are procreating that would never have had the chance in a simpler society. BTW, I'm not saying we need to kill the crippled and mentally retarded, so don't flame me if you can't understand my post.

Comment Re:They're called digital cameras (Score 1) 443

If I'm on say a job site with a client and wish to document a condition I can take two pictures and both parties can leave with a hard copy. Digital cannot accomplish this.

My cell phone can accomplish this via Pogo http://www.polaroid.com/CES/ProductDetail.jsp?folder_id=2534374302037098&prod_code=PG001, and I can send copies to the home office, the client, 7 contractors to get bids, and tweet it at the same time.

Comment Re:Agreed, TANSTAAFL (Score 5, Insightful) 373

it would be more sensible to call up another lab somewhere else and ask them to run the experiment and verify your results independently?

"Hey Guys, we've been working on this for X years, spent millions building specialized equipment, etc, etc, etc. Think you could you just run up a quick experiment and verify... Hello?"

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