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Comment Short term, maybe (Score 1) 60

# of possible chess positions: 10^43 - 10^50
# of possible go positions: ~ 2*10^170, and AI holds its own with pros.

That's a looong way to go, and randomizing the starting point for the AI shouldn't take long.

Might invigorate contests between meatbags for while, though.


Comment ding ding ding (winner) (Score 2) 114

Skin it. Hell, it's 80% of the way to "Transformer" as it sits.

Seats five, lowest spec is $40k. Add a "Jem & the Holograms" paint job (that you can trade out pretty simply), and it could be a solid Mom-mobile, good camping companion, and general weekend warrior for the twice a month you actually need a truck.

Assuming they actually get built, of course.

Comment Re:100%?!!1 (Score 2) 217

Yeah, MBA/(nearly) financial advisor here. If you want to reallocate your investment ratios, that's one thing, but 100% in anything is probably ill-advised.
  There's a weird case (functionally infinite investment timeline), but you wouldn't be in bonds.

My in-laws did something similar during the last significant crash, and it's @#%#ed up their finances for the last 15 years. Your choice, but I'd think hard, in any event. There are a lot of other ways to call that guy an idiot.

Comment Re:You mean, why don't they make cheap shit (Score 1) 154

Re: Apple, you can only hold one of the following positions:

- "Apple are masters of design, and I'm ignoring certain things to inhabit their ecosystem"
- The "Grip of Death/Butterfly Keyboard/One Port for Everything/HW has been underpowered for a decade" series of complaints.

For the record, these also don't cut the mustard:

- RPi's USB-C problem: It's the POWER CORD, ffs.
- Google's cheaper phone that turns itself off randomly
- Dumb ideas to begin with: Folding phones and 5G

Might just be me, but all of these could have been avoided with better testing. Or, quite possibly, any testing whatsoever.

Comment Re:And what do Gen-Xers think? (Score 1) 420

And now where are you? How is being of GenX age going to help in the next set of elections?

The power turnover from The Boomers to The Millennials started in earnest about three years ago. It's taking a while to reach the government, mostly because there are two years between elections.

We're unlikely to see two 70+ year olds running for president next time. OTOH, I also don't see "being 50-ish" as helping. The next generation could simply skip GenX, and start voting for their contemporaries.

Whether they should is a different question, but I know what I'd do in their place.

Comment Re:Replacement battery unneeded & why I'm wait (Score 1) 191

Power jack.

Still rocking a Galaxy S7 here, but got an extended battery / case. Tripled my battery life, and the power jack on the phone is permamounted to the case, so I actually plug into the $25 case, rather than the phone itself.

Just a suggestion that (so far) works for me.

Comment Marvel, too (Score 1) 153

Streaming is completely logical for Disney. $10/mo for the entire catalog ~= six $25 DVDs/yr, and you're not bothered by physical media.

Hell, my household would only use the Star Wars and Marvel channels, and if you included ALL the episodic animation (SW Rebels, Avengers Assemble, the underrated Lego Star Wars), I could almost see subscribing to it. If they're REALLY smart, they'll throw in ESPN+ for free. Gives Dad a reason to hook it up.

The question is what happens when their IP doesn't even appear on wider content aggregators (NetFlix/Prime/Hulu/Whatever). If half a generation never sees it, and/or finds alternatives (e.g. Amazon's "Just Add Magic"), Disney's position moving foward is unclear.

Here's hoping...

Comment Re:For anyone who gives a fuck about this shit (Score 1) 95

Think of it as a foldable tablet that will replace your phone instead of a phone that becomes a tablet. I can see use in that. I never use my tablet because there are things a PC does better, and other things a phone is adequate for, and the phone is always charged and handy.

If my tablet folded and I could carry it around in my pocket instead of my phone... that's a good thing.

Why? Even ignoring cost, the PC isn't replaced, and you still need a phone.

I see this (slightly) extending the same "luxury phone" market segment as the Galaxy Note series. The Fold's screen isn't that much bigger, and both lack a physical keyboard.

Also notable: I can't (quickly) find its weight, and it sorta looks like a Nintendo DS, but I suppose nobody remembers side-talking.

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