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Comment Re:Let me be the first to say... (Score 1) 438

Claim from the second link article:

One Hundred Per Cent Reliability for Traders on High-Volume Trading Days

Compare with:

The problem occurred on what could have been one of London's busiest trading days of the year, as markets rebounded worldwide following the [bailout]

Clearly only valid for some values of 100%

Comment Re:talking on mobile as dangerous as drunk driving (Score 1) 439

In the UK it is often quoted that cellphone driving is more dangerous than drink driving. However the actual study that was done compared it with people who were at the current legal limit, not over it - and therefore able to drive legally.

In any case they'll never ban conversations whilst driving as that would mean that the police would be completely out of contact unless they were parked.

Comment Re:How do you get membership? (Score 1) 271

No you don't, or at least you'll be glad you don't live in Hull UK. Their monopoly ISP 'Karoo' disconnects users with NO WARNING upon receiving any unsubstantiated allegations of file sharing by its users.

Here's proof with a link to a sample letter.

I've also had this happen to me on one occasion. They claim that they will charge 60GBP for reconnection if it happens regularly.
The Internet

Canadian MP Calls For ISP Licenses, Content Blocks 273

An anonymous reader writes "A member of Canada's ruling Conservative party has pledged to "clean up" the Internet with new bill that would mandate ISP licensing, know-your-subscriber rules, and allow the government to order ISPs to block content. ISPs that fail to block would faces possible jail time for the company's directors and officers."

Surprise, Windows Listed as Most Secure OS 499

david_g17 writes "According to a Symantec study reported by Information Week, Microsoft has the most secure operating system amongst its commercial competitors. The report only covered the last 6 months of vulnerabilities and patch releases, but the results place Microsoft operating systems above Mac OS X and Red Hat. According to the article, 'The report found that Microsoft Windows had the fewest number of patches and the shortest average patch development time of the five operating systems it monitored in the last six months of 2006.' The article continues to mention the metrics used in the study (quantity and severity of vulnerabilities as well as the amount of time one must wait for the patch to be released)."

Submission + - Puretracks music store drops DRM

khendron writes: "The Canadian online music store Puretracks (a store I have generally avoided because of their Microsoft specific solutions) has announced that it will immediately start selling part of its catalog as DRM-free mp3 files. The site's unprotected catalog, which includes artists such as The Barenaked Ladies and Sarah McLachlan, will initially feature only 50,000 of its 1.3 million tracks, but will grow weekly.

More also from the Globe and Mail. If this endeavour is successful, maybe we will see the larger music labels jumping on board."

Submission + - Vista retail sales low compared to XP launch

PetManimal writes: "A comparison of first-week retail sales of Vista compared to first-week sales of XP back in 2001 found that Vista sales were 60% lower. Steve Ballmer has admitted that earlier sales forecasts were "overly aggressive," but at least there is some good news for Microsoft: early Office 2007 sales were very strong compared to the early sales of Office 2003, despite almost no advertising or marketing until the retail launch at the end of January."
The Media

Submission + - Where Digg Failed

legoburner writes: "An interesting op-ed piece has appeared detailing the author's belief that Digg is so fundamentally flawed that it is only a matter of time before it completely collapses. Why Digg Failed has some choice quotes and analysis of why Digg's popularity has caused it to become too similar to tabloids in gaining attention and how quality has fallen drastically as usage has increased. Take note slashdot/firehose!"

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