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Comment Write your own apps (Score 1) 173

Seriously. The android SDK is free, Eclipse is free. There's no monetary risk involved to experiement and see if you like doing it.

I screwed around with it for a month off-and-on doing all the tutorial programs on and by the time I was done, it made a lot more sense. I made extensive use of too. Good resource there.

If developing isn't for you, there are indeed open source style apps out there. A little bit of googling can find out if they are legit, or if the source is indeed available.

Comment TI - what a bunch of douches (Score 1) 301

Sounds to me like TI is run by a bunch of ego-maniacal Texan control-freaks with typical ego-maniacal control freak personalities. I mean it's not like a pocket calculator is even that *relevant* anymore. Christ, bc on the unix command line can practically do everything your basic TI can do. For everything else there's your basic run-of-the-mill desktop calculator. Seems like TI should be focusing on how to stay alive, rather than frustrate it's users. I don't understand how they are even in business.

Comment Pretty but how practical? (Score 2, Interesting) 317

I like the simplicity of Xterm. It works well with SSH, can talk to endless serial devices (like console terminal login on headless stuff) and can run over a modem. All I need is twm and Xterm and I have a nice lightweight X desktop on a server for installing Oracle. There aren't a lot of dependencies so I can keep the software footprint small. Updates are faster and few.

Now in KDE on a desktop, something like Termkit might be more practical. Don't forget though, eye-candy comes at the expense of resources. You can't have all that bling without giving up cpu or ram. In the end, is the payoff worth it to be able to run a screensaver in your terminal?

All the work that went into the Compiz bling; it's cool but I just don't use it. The exploding windows are neat, I just don't see the point in having a desktop that contributes to my distractions.

Comment Simple and ubiquitous - it's still there (Score 1) 395

But it's not in the form of iChat, MSN Messenger, or other proprietary protocols which have muddied the waters of collaboration in order to control a niche of the market.

Look up XMPP. It's an open standard. It's open source. Google talk uses it. I can chat in windows linux or mac with it. People on other platforms can chat with people on other platforms. It supports group chat. There are open source clients and server software available. It works great. Why use anything else?

Comment Miguel, let it die (Score 0) 286

.NET was a mostly foiled attempt of microsoft to do the same thing with C that they did to Netscape. Why hand that over to Microsoft by implementing some cross-platform version of a noose they can hang you with? They are bad enough when the law *isn't* on their side.

I don't understand what would drive anyone to do this unless they are on the Microsoft bank-roll.

Comment Flash is never going away. Accept it. (Score 1) 244

No matter how much you want it to be gone, Flash is like ActiveX and IE. A necessary piece of software for many production applications in use today. To take those pieces away means costing corporation several thousands if not millions in re-inventing their wheels. Corporations don't like to that, and many IT budgets aren't fat enough to do it. No matter how much Steve Jobs bitches about it his argument is irrelevant - at least at this point in time.

It will take the industry a good many years to shift away from their crappy software suite dependencies (IE, Flash, Active-X, etc, etc) but until that happens, we are stuck with Flash so let's just stop with all the whining.

Comment Someone fix the summary please? (Score 2) 295

WTF?  Why is this summary so far off-base?  The short version, FTFA:

"..merge Android 3.1 and Android 2.3 into..."
"..which will be called Ice Cream Sandwich.."
" source it alongside code that is much more universally friendly."

3.1 *is* Honeycomb.  3.0 *is* Honeycomb.  Google *is* open sourcing it.  No, 3.0 will not be released for public consumption.

The Xoom (running 3.0) is slated for an update to 3.1in May sometime.  AFAIK, this is the only device running 3.0 out there so 3.0 will basically be deprecated.

Comment Let's destroy this planet. At any cost. (Score 1) 390

It's not enough to pursue fossil fuels to the point of destroying the environment on a global scale, but what really, really pisses me off is that the 10 motherf@#$ in control of the world's supply are so crazed with insatiable greed that they can, and will, continue to as they wish with no regard for anything. They are unstoppable becuase they own the lawmakers.

I'm looking at you especially, Walker; you kochsucker.

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